AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of ARException in com.bmc.arsys.api

Subclasses of ARException in com.bmc.arsys.api
 class ARBulkException
          The ARBulkException class defines the exceptions generated by the bulk entry transaction API.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type ARException
 void ObjectPrinter.printARException(ARException e)

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that throw ARException
 void ARServerUser.beginBulkEntryTransaction()
          Marks the beginning of a bulk entry transaction.
 String ARServerUser.beginClientManagedTransaction()
          Begin a client managed transaction.
 boolean AlertReceiver.beginReceive(ARServerUser context)
          Begin receiving alert messages for the user from a particular ARServer specified by the context.
static List<MenuItem> MenuItem.bufferToMenuItemList(Scanner scanBuffer)
          This method converts contents of a buffer/file into list menu structure
static void FieldAssignInfo.buildFieldAssignmentList(ARServerUser ctx, String localForm, String remoteForm, OutputInteger isByMatchingIds, OutputInteger isSetToDefaults, List<FieldAssignInfo> fieldAssignList)
static List<Entry> ARTypeMgr.buildGLEWFResponse(Object[] rawData, ARServerUser ctx)
static String CurrencyValue.checkDecimalFormat(String value)
          Check if the string is a valid decimal value format
 ARServerUser Session.connectToServer(String serverName, int tcpPort, String authString, String user, String password, boolean ensureAdmin, boolean lockToadminQueue)
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.convertStringToListMenu(String menuString)
          Converts a string to a list of MenuItem objects
 void ARServerUser.createActiveLink(ActiveLink object)
          Creates this ActiveLink object on AR System server.
 String ARServerUser.createAlertEvent(String user, String alertText, int priority, String sourceTag, String server, String formName, String objectId)
          Enters an alert event into the system.
 void ARServerUser.createContainer(Container object)
          Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.createContainer(Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference)
          Creates a new container with the given container instance on the specified server.
 String ARServerUser.createEntry(String formName, Entry entry)
          Creates a new entry in the indicated form on the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.createEscalation(Escalation object)
          Creates this Escalation object into AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.createField(Field object, boolean isReservedRangeIdOK)
          Creates a new form field with the indicated name on the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.createFilter(Filter object)
          Creates this Filter object on AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.createForm(Form obj)
          Creates this form on the server specified in the ARServerUser.
 void ARServerUser.createImage(Image obj)
          Creates this image on the server specified in the ARServerUser.
 void ARServerUser.createMenu(Menu object)
          Creates this Menu object on AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.createMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
          Create new fields for a specified form in the ARSystem.
 int ARServerUser.createSupportFile(SupportFile supportFile)
          Creates a new support file with the indicated information on the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.createView(View object)
          Creates the given View object in AR System server.
static int DateInfo.dateToJulianDate(String pattern, String date_str)
          convert the given date string into Julian Date
static DiaryListValue DiaryListValue.decode(String encoded)
          Takes the formatted string returned for all diary fields and decodes it into an array of diary entries.
static List<MenuItem> MenuItem.decode(String encoded)
          This method converts contents of a string into list menu structure
static StatusHistoryValue StatusHistoryValue.decode(String encoded)
          Takes the formatted string returned for all diary fields and decodes it into an array of diary entries.
 AlertMessageInfo ARServerUser.decodeAlertMessage(AlertMessageCriteria criteria, Object message, int length)
          Decode supplied alert message and return component parts.
static AlertMessageInfo AlertMessageInfo.DecodeAlertMessage(AlertMessageCriteria criteria, Object message, int len)
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.decodeARAssignStruct(String assignString)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by ARServerUser.decodeAssignment(java.lang.String)
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.decodeARQualifierStruct(String queryString)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by ARServerUser.decodeQualification(java.lang.String)
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.decodeAssignment(String assignString)
          Decodes an encoded assignment String into internal data structure representation used by Java API
 DiaryListValue ARServerUser.decodeDiary(String encoded)
          Takes an encoded diary string as input and decodes it into an DiaryListValue for easier processing.
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.decodeDSOPoolAssignment(String encodedStr)
          Decodes an encoded DSO Pool Mapping Assignment into internal structure representation used by AR Java API
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.decodeQualification(String encodedQualText)
          Decodes an encoded qualification String into internal data strucuture representation used by Java API.
 void ARServerUser.deleteActiveLink(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the specified activelink from AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteAlert(String entryId)
          Deletes an alert event from the system.
 void ARServerUser.deleteContainer(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the container with the indicated name from the specified server and deletes any references to the container from other containers.
 void ARServerUser.deleteEntry(String formName, String entryId, int deleteOption)
          Removes the form entry with the indicated ID from the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteEscalation(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes this escalation from AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteField(String form, int fieldId, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the form field with the indicated ID from the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteFields(String form, int[] fieldIds, int deleteOption)
          Deletes the fields with the specified IDs from the given form
 void ARServerUser.deleteFilter(String name, int deleteOption)
          Deletes this filter from AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteForm(String formName, int deleteOption)
          Deletes obj form from the server specified in the ARServerUser and deletes any container references to obj form.
 void ARServerUser.deleteImage(String imageName, boolean updateRef)
          Deletes obj image from the server specified in the ARServerUser and optionally deletes any references to the image obj form, depending on the value of updateRef.
 void ARServerUser.deleteMenu(String name, int deleteOption)
          Removes this specified Memu object from AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteSupportFile(SupportFileKey supportFileKey)
          Deletes the given support file from the server.
 void ARServerUser.deleteView(String formName, int viewId)
          Removes this object on the AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.deregisterForAlerts(int clientPort)
          Deregister a client with the server so they no longer receive alert indicators.
 String ARServerUser.encodeARAssignStruct(AssignInfo assign)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by ARServerUser.encodeAssignment(com.bmc.arsys.api.AssignInfo)
 String ARServerUser.encodeARQualifierStruct(QualifierInfo qual)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.1, replaced by ARServerUser.encodeQualification(com.bmc.arsys.api.QualifierInfo)
 String ARServerUser.encodeAssignment(AssignInfo assignment)
          Encodes an internal data structure representation of qualification into String format
static String ARServerUser.encodeDiary(DiaryListValue diaryList)
          Takes an DiaryListValue as input and encodes it into a diary string.
 String ARServerUser.encodeDSOPoolAssignment(AssignInfo asgnInfo)
          Encodes an internal data structure representation of Assignments into String format
 String ARServerUser.encodeQualification(QualifierInfo qualifier)
          Encodes an internal data structure representation of qualification into String format
 List<BulkEntryReturn> ARServerUser.endBulkEntryTransaction(int actionType)
          Marks the ending of a bulk entry transaction.
 void ARServerUser.endClientManagedTransaction(int transactionOption)
          End a client managed transaction.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcess(String command)
          Execute the indicated command on the server, wait it to finish, and bring back the result
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcess(String command, boolean waitFlag)
          Execute the indicated command on the server, and bring back the result if the waitFlgs instructs the method to wait for the process to finish.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean waitFlag)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 Entry ARServerUser.executeService(String formName, String entryId, Entry entry, int[] entryListFields)
          Sends an entry to the server, executes filter workflow on the server using that input entry and then returns the output entry as the outcome of the workflow processing.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeSpecialCommand(String cmd, Object... parameters)
          Executes one of the special AR System run process commands
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(Menu menu)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(Menu menu, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList)
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(String menuName)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(String menuName, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList)
 String ARServerUser.exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String ARServerUser.exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String ARServerUser.exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String ARServerUser.exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String ARServerUser.exportDef(List<StructItemInfo> items, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 String ARServerUser.exportDef(List items, boolean asXml, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(java.util.List, boolean, java.lang.String, boolean) that takes care of file encoding.
 void ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, String filePath, boolean overwrite)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 void ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean asXml, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo, String filePath, boolean overwrite)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 void ARServerUser.exportDefToFile(List items, boolean asXml, String displayTag, int vuiType, WorkflowLockInfo lockInfo, String filePath, boolean overwrite)
          Exports the specified structure from the server to a file in ARSystem def or xml format.
 String ARServerUser.formatAssignment(AssignInfo assign, List<Field> fieldList, Field assignField, boolean topLevel)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given assignment AssignInfo object.
 String ARServerUser.formatAssignment(String form, int fieldId, String form2, Object assignment)
          Formats an internal representation of a assignment expression to a readable String
 String ARServerUser.formatQualification(QualifierInfo qual, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean isEscalation)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given qualifier object.
 String ARServerUser.formatQualification(String form, Object qualification)
          Formats an internal representation of a qualifier to a readable String
 String ARServerUser.formatSetIfQualification(String form1, String form2, Object qualification)
          Formats internal structure of given qualification (used as Set-If condition of a SetFields workflow action)into a String representation
 String ARServerUser.generateGUID()
          Generates a GUID by runninng a special AR System run process commands
 String ARServerUser.generateGUID(String prefix)
          Generates a GUID by runninng a special AR System run process commands
 ActiveLink ARServerUser.getActiveLink(String name)
          return detailed information about the activelink ActiveLink from the server
 ActiveLink ARServerUser.getActiveLink(String name, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the ActiveLink object
 int ARServerUser.getAlertCount(QualifierInfo qual)
          Gets number of alert events that meet the specified qualification.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getAllLocalHostIDs()
          Get all local host ID's.
 String ARServerUser.getApplicationState(String applicationName)
          Retrieves the current state of a given application.
 List<Integer> ARServerUser.getCacheEvent(int[] eventIdList, int returnOption, OutputInteger cacheCount)
          Returns cache event IDs that have occurred.
 Container ARServerUser.getContainer(String name)
          retrieve the requested container object from AR System server.
 Container ARServerUser.getContainer(String name, ContainerCriteria criteria)
          Returns the contents of the container with the indicated name with information specified by ContainerCriteria on the specified server.
 BigDecimal ARServerUser.getCurrencyRatio(String currencyRatioSet, String fromCurrencyCode, String toCurrencyCode)
          Search through a supplied currency ratios string to find an entry that matches the requested currency codes.
 Entry ARServerUser.getEntry(String formName, String entryId, int[] entryListFields)
          Loads the entry object from AR System as specified by the entryentryListFields data member.
 byte[] ARServerUser.getEntryBlob(String formName, String entryID, int fieldID)
          Returns the attachment that is stored in the indicated IDs on the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.getEntryBlob(String formName, String entryID, int fieldID, String filePath)
          Returns the attachment that is stored in the indicated IDs on the specified server.
 List<StatisticsResultInfo> ARServerUser.getEntryStatistics(String formKey, QualifierInfo qual, ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand target, int statistic, int[] groupByList)
          Computes the indicated statistic for the form entries that match the conditions specified by the qualifier parameter.
 Escalation ARServerUser.getEscalation(String key)
          Returns detailed information about the Escalation object specified by the given name.
 Escalation ARServerUser.getEscalation(String key, EscalationCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the Escalation object.
 Field ARServerUser.getField(String form, int fieldId)
          Retrieve the requested form field object from the server.
 Field ARServerUser.getField(String form, int fieldId, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Retrieve and populate the form field object with the requested information from AR System server.
 Filter ARServerUser.getFilter(String key)
          Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by the given name.
 Filter ARServerUser.getFilter(String key, FilterCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by FilterCriteria and String.
 Form ARServerUser.getForm(String formName)
          return the requested Form object from AR System server.
 Form ARServerUser.getForm(String formName, FormCriteria criteria)
          return the requested Form object from AR System server.
 Image ARServerUser.getImage(String imageName)
          return the requested Image object from AR System server.
 Image ARServerUser.getImage(String imageName, ImageCriteria criteria)
          return the requested Image object from AR System server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListActiveLink()
          Returns a list of all (accessible) active link names in the server
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListActiveLink(long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are modified after the given change time
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListActiveLink(String formName)
          Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are associated with the given form
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListActiveLink(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) active links that are associated with the given form and amodified after the provided time
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListActiveLink(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the name of all (accessible) active links that match with the given criteria.
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects()
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names)
          Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested ActiveLink objects that the user has permission to access and is modified after the give time
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects that are associated with the specified form
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects that are associated with the specified form and modified after the given time.
 List<ActiveLink> ARServerUser.getListActiveLinkObjects(String formName, long changedSince, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) ActiveLink objects specified by the criteria and ActiveLinkCriteria.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListAlertUser()
          Gets list of registered Alert users.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListApplicationState()
          Retrieves the list of possible application state (maintenance, test or production) that an application on this AR System server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListContainer(long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the names of all (accessible) Container object that meet the given criteria.
 List<Container> ARServerUser.getListContainerObjects(List<String> containers)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Container objects
 List<Container> ARServerUser.getListContainerObjects(long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch, ContainerCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Container objects that match with the given criteria
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListDisplayOnlyForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Display-Only forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_DIALOG that are modified after the specified time.
 List<EntryListInfo> ARServerUser.getListEntry(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns list of EntryListInfo objects that uniquely identify the entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 List<QuerySourceValues> ARServerUser.getListEntryObjects(RegularQuery query, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns a list of QuerySourceValues objects that match the provided criteria.
 List<Entry> ARServerUser.getListEntryObjects(String formName, List<String> entryIds, int[] fieldIds)
          Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 List<Entry> ARServerUser.getListEntryObjects(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 void ARServerUser.getListEntryObjects(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches, IARRowIterator iterator)
          Applies the iteratorCallback method of the iterator parameter to each Entry object that matches the provided criteria.
 List<EntryPointInfo> ARServerUser.getListEntryPoint(long changedSince, List<String> applicationKeys, int[] refTypes, int viewType, String displayTag, boolean hiddenFlag)
          Retrieves all application entry points that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListEscalation()
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListEscalation(long changedSince)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is modified after the specified timestamp
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListEscalation(String formName)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is associated with the given form
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListEscalation(String formName, long changedSince)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that is associated with the given form and modified after the specified timestamp.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListEscalation(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          return the names of all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria
 List<Escalation> ARServerUser.getListEscalationObjects(String formName, long changedSince, EscalationCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Escalation objects that match the given criteria.
 List<ExtFormCandidatesInfo> ARServerUser.getListExtFormCandidates(int formType)
          Returns a list of all external data source table (forms candidates).
 List<Integer> ARServerUser.getListField(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince)
          Returns the ids of all (accessible) fields that matches with the given criteria.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) fields on the given form.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int[] fieldIds)
          Returns detailed information of all attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int[] fieldIds, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of the given attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Field objects that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListFilter()
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters in ARSystem server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListFilter(long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is modified after the provided time .
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListFilter(String formName)
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is associated with the given form.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListFilter(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns names of all (accessible) filters that is modified after the provided time, and associated with the given form.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListFilter(String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns all the name of all (accessible) filters that match with the given criteria.
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects()
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(List<String> names)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(List<String> names, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects that are modified after the given timestamp
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(String formName)
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(String formName, long changedSince, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail information of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListForm()
          return the name of all (accessible) forms on the server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible)forms that are modified after the specified time.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListForm(long changedSince, int formType)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListForm(long changedSince, int formType, String formName)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListForm(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the sepcified criteria
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListForm(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          return the name of all (accessible) forms that match the specified criteria
 List<FormAliasInfo> ARServerUser.getListFormAliases(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, String vuiLabel)
          Returns a list of form names and corresponding aliases that match the given criteria.
 List<Form> ARServerUser.getListFormObjects(long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, FormCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Form objects that match the specified criteria.
 List<GroupInfo> ARServerUser.getListGroup(String user, String password)
          Returns a list of access control groups on the specified server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListImage()
          return the names of all Image objects
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListImage(List<String> formList)
          return the names of all Image objects that are associated with the given list of forms
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListImage(List<String> formList, long changedSince, String imageType)
          return the names of all Image objects that match the given criteria
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListImage(long changedSince)
          return the names of all Image objects that have been modified after the specified timestamp
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListImage(String imageType)
          return the names of all Image objects of a specified type (ie, "jpg")
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects()
          Returns detailed information for all Image objects
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects(List<String> names)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects(List<String> names, ImageCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, ImageCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for the requested Image objects and is modified after the give time
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Image objects that are associated with the specified form
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information for all Image objects that are associated with the specified form and modified after the given time.
 List<Image> ARServerUser.getListImageObjects(String formName, long changedSince, ImageCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all Image objects specified by the criteria and ImageCriteria.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListJoinForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Join forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_JOIN that are modified after the specified time.
 List<LicenseInfo> ARServerUser.getListLicense(String licenseType)
          Returns list of license info LicenseInfo for the specified type.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListMenu(long changedSince, List<String> forms, List<String> activeLinks)
          Returns names of all (accessible) menu that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListMenu(long changedSince, List<String> forms, List<String> activeLinks, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns names of all (accessible) menu that match with the given criteria
 List<Menu> ARServerUser.getListMenuObjects(long changedSince, List<String> forms, List<String> activeLinks, MenuCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Menu objects that match with the given criteria.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListRegularForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Regular forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_REGULAR that are modified after the specified time.
 List<RoleInfo> ARServerUser.getListRole(String application, String user, String password)
          Returns a list of roles for a user for a deployable application on the specified server.
 SQLResult ARServerUser.getListSQL(String sqlCommand, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)
          Returns a list of rows from the underlying SQL database on the specified server.
 SQLResult ARServerUser.getListSQLForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 List<Integer> ARServerUser.getListSupportFile(int fileType, String associatedObjName, int supportingId, long changedSince)
          Returns the ids of all support files that match the given criteria, and the current user has privilege to the specified objects
 List<SupportFile> ARServerUser.getListSupportFileObjects(int fileType, String associatedObjName, int supportingId, long changedSince)
          Returns all SupportFile objects that match the given criteria, and the current user has privilege to the specified objects
 List<UserInfo> ARServerUser.getListUser()
          Returns a list of users currently accessing the specified AR System server.
 List<UserInfo> ARServerUser.getListUser(int type)
          Returns a list of users on the specified AR System server.
 List<UserInfo> ARServerUser.getListUser(int type, long changedSince)
          Returns a list of users on the specified AR System server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListVendorForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) Vendor forms Constants.AR_LIST_SCHEMA_VENDOR that are modified after the specified time.
 List<ExtFieldCandidatesInfo> ARServerUser.getListVendorFormFieldCandidates(String vendorName, String tableName)
          Returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for Vendor form.
 List<Integer> ARServerUser.getListView(String formName, long changedSince)
          Returns the names of all views that reside on the provided form, and modified after the given timestamp.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListViewForm(long changedSince)
          return the name of all (accessible) View forms (@link Constants#AR_LIST_SCHEMA_VIEW} that are modified after the specified time.
 List<ExtFieldCandidatesInfo> ARServerUser.getListViewFormFieldCandidates(String tableName)
          Returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for View form.
 List<View> ARServerUser.getListViewObjects(String formName, long changedSince, ViewCriteria criteria)
          Returns the detailed information of all (accessible) View objects that match with the given crteria.
 String ARServerUser.getLocalHostID()
          Get License host ID.
 LocalizedValueInfo ARServerUser.getLocalizedValue(LocalizedValueCriteria criteria, LocalizedRequestInfo request)
          Gets a localized text string from the message catalog form.
 Menu ARServerUser.getMenu(String name, MenuCriteria criteria)
          return the requested menu object with information specified by MenuCriteria from AR System server.
 List<String> ARServerUser.getMultipleCurrencyRatioSets(List<Timestamp> ratioTimestamps)
          Retrieves a list of formatted currency ratio sets valid for the time specified in the argument.
 List<LocalizedValueInfo> ARServerUser.getMultipleLocalizedValues(LocalizedValueCriteria criteria, List<LocalizedRequestInfo> requests)
          Gets multiple localized texts from the catalog file.
 HashMap<Integer,ObjectOperationTimes> ARServerUser.getObjectChangeTimes()
          Gets a HashMap of arserver objects and the timestamps for the last create, modify, or delete operation on each object.
 Entry ARServerUser.getOneEntryObject(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns a list of Entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy DefaultProxyManager.getProxy(ARServerUser context)
          Get proxy for the AR System server specified by the context.
abstract  com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy ProxyManager.getProxy(ARServerUser context)
          Get proxy for the AR Server specified by the context.
 ARServerUser Session.getServer(String serverName)
 ARServerUser Session.getServer(String serverName, int tcpPort)
 ARServerUser Session.getServer(String serverName, int tcpPort, String authString)
 ARServerUser Session.getServer(String serverName, int tcpPort, String authString, boolean ensureAdmin, boolean lockToadminQueue)
 ARServerUser Session.getServer(String serverName, int tcpPort, String authString, String user, String password, boolean ensureAdmin, boolean lockToadminQueue)
 String ARServerUser.getServerCharSet()
          Returns the servers char set as a string.
 ServerInfoMap ARServerUser.getServerInfo(int[] requestList)
          Returns the requested configuration information for the specified server.
 ServerInfoMap ARServerUser.getServerStatistics(int[] requestList)
          Returns the requested statistics for the specified server.
 SupportFile ARServerUser.getSupportFile(String associatedObjName, int fileId)
          Retrieves the property of the support file that is associated with the given object and with a specific file id
 SupportFile ARServerUser.getSupportFile(String associatedObjName, int fileId, int fileType, int supportingId, String filePath)
          Retrieves the content of the support file indicated by the key information into a local file identified by the filePath.
 SupportFile ARServerUser.getSupportFile(String associatedObjName, int fileId, String filePath)
          Retrieves the content of the support file indicated by the key information into a local file identified by the filePath.
 String ARServerUser.getTextForErrorMessage(int msgId)
          Returns the message text for the specified error from the local catalog (in the local language).
 View ARServerUser.getView(String formName, int viewId)
          Retrieves the form view object from the AR System server.
 View ARServerUser.getView(String formName, int viewId, ViewCriteria criteria)
          Populates this object with information specified by ViewCriteria from the AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.impersonateUser(String impersonatedUser)
          Enables plug-ins, midtier or other program to run as an administrator in this session, but to perform operations as a specific user (with that user's permission and licensing in effect).
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer, int optionMask)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer, int optionMask, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromBuffer(String importBuffer, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Deprecated. as of AR System 7.5, replaced by ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(java.lang.String) that takes care of file encoding.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(String filePath)
          Import all definitions into the server from given file.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(String filePath, int optionMask)
          Import all definitions, using the given import option, into the server from given file This operation can be performed by users with AR System administrator privileges only.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(String filePath, int optionMask, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Import the provided object definitions into the server using the specified import option.
 void ARServerUser.importDefFromFile(String filePath, List<StructItemInfo> items)
          Import given object definitions into the server from given file.
 boolean ARServerUser.isAdministrator()
          Checks if the user is an member of the Administrator group.
 boolean ARServerUser.isMemberOfCustomizeGroup()
          Checks if the user is a member of the Customize group.
 boolean ARServerUser.isMemberOfGroup(int groupId)
          Return is the current user member of the specified group
 boolean ARServerUser.isSubAdministrator()
          Checks if the user is a member of the Subadministrator group.
 void ARServerUser.login()
          Logs in to the server and verifies the user.
 String ARServerUser.mergeEntry(String formName, Entry entry, int nMergeType)
          Merges an existing entry into the indicated form on the specified server.
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.parseAssignment(String toForm, int fieldId, String fromForm, String expression)
          Parses a given readable assignment into internal structure
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.parseAssignment(String assignString, String queryString, Field assignField, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, String form, String server, int currentScreen, boolean idOk, boolean fromSQL, boolean fromFilterAPI, int queryContext)
          Constructs a AssignInfo object given a string representation.
 Object ARServerUser.parseFilterQualification(String form, String qualification)
          Parse a qualification that can be used with in a Filter Run If qualification
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo ARQualifierHelper.parseQualification(String localeString, String queryString)
          Parses string and returns vuiId object.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String form, String qualification)
          Parses a given readable qualification string into internal structure.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String form, String vui, String qualification)
          Parses a given qualification into internal structure.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseSetIfQualification(String form1, String form2, String qualification)
          Parses a given qualification (used as Set-If condition of a SetFields workflow action) into internal structure
 void ARServerUser.registerForAlerts(int clientPort, int registrationFlags)
          Register a client with the server to receive alert signals.
 void ARServerUser.removeClientManagedTransaction()
          Removes a client managed transaction handle from the ARServerUser

This call is reserved for future use.
 void ARServerUser.runEscalation(String escalation)
          Run Escalation
 void ARServerUser.setActiveLink(ActiveLink object)
          Updates this active link on the database.
 void ARServerUser.setApplicationState(String applicationName, String newState)
          Sets the state of a given application
 void ARServerUser.setClientManagedTransaction(String transactionHandle)
          Sets a client managed transaction.
 void ARServerUser.setContainer(Container object)
          Updates the definition of the given container on the server.
 void ARServerUser.setContainer(Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference)
          Updates the definition of the given container on the server.
 void ARServerUser.setEntry(String formName, String entryId, Entry entry, Timestamp getTime, int nOption)
          Updates an the given entry in ARSystem server.
 void ARServerUser.setEscalation(Escalation object)
          Updates this Escalation object on ARSystem server
 void ARServerUser.setField(Field object)
          Saves the changes made to the form field object into AR System server.
 void ARServerUser.setFilter(Filter object)
          Updates this Filter object onto ARSystem server.
 void ARServerUser.setForm(Form obj)
          Saves the changes made to the form object into AR System server
 void ARServerUser.setImage(Image obj)
          Saves the changes made to the image object into AR System server
 void ARServerUser.setLogging(LoggingInfo info)
          Activates and deactivates client-side logging of server activities.
 void ARServerUser.setMenu(Menu object)
          Saves the changes made to the menu field object into AR System server
 void ARServerUser.setMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
          Saves the changes made to the form fields into ARSystem server.
 void ARServerUser.setServerInfo(ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap)
          Updates the indicated configuration information for the specified server.
 void ARServerUser.setSupportFile(SupportFile supportFile)
          Updates this support file onto ARSystem server
 void ARServerUser.setView(View object)
          Updates this view on the database
 void ARServerUser.signalServer(Map<SignalType,String> signals)
          send a signal to the server to perform the indicated op, i.e.
 void AlertReceiver.stopReceive(ARServerUser context)
          Stop receiving alert messages for the user from a particular ARServer specified by the context.
static String FunctionAssignInfo.toFuncName(int code)
          Returns the function name given the function code
 void ARServerUser.useAdminRpcQueue()
          Connect to the server using the admin queue.
 void ARServerUser.useDefaultRpcQueue()
          Connect to the server using the default queue, which is either List or Fast queue
 void ARServerUser.usePrivateRpcQueue(int rpcProgramNum)
          Connect to the server using a private queue
 void ParameterValidator.validateARAccessNameType(String name, boolean nullOk)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARActiveLinkActionInfo(ActiveLinkAction action)
          Validate that an object variable of type ActiveLinkAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARActiveLinkActionList(List<ActiveLinkAction> actionList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that list of objects of type type ActiveLinkAction each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARArithOpAssignInfo(ArithOpAssignInfo arithOp)
          Validate that an object of type ArithOpAssignInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARArithOpInfo(ArithmeticOperationInfo arthOp)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARAssignFieldInfo(AssignFieldInfo field)
          Validate that an object of type ARAssignFieldInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARAssignFilterApiInfo(AssignFilterApiInfo filterApi)
          Validate that an object of type AssignFilterApiInfo contains valid parameters.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARAssignInfo(AssignInfo assignment)
          Validate that an object of type AssignInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARAssignSQLInfo(AssignSQLInfo sql)
          Validate that an object of type ARFieldSQLInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARAutomationInfo(OleAutomationAction olaa)
          Validate that an object variable of type OleAutomationAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCallGuide(CallGuideAction cga, int itemFilter)
          Validate that an object of type CallGuideAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCharMenuItemInfo(MenuItem item, int level)
          Validate that an object of type MenuItem contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCharMenuList(ListMenu lm, int level)
          Validate that an object of type ListMenu contains a value and that the value is legal
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCommand(String arg1)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMMethodInfo(COMMethodInfo cmi, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object of type COMMethodInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMMethodList(List<COMMethodInfo> methodList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that the List of objects of type COMMethodInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMMethodParmInfo(COMMethodParmInfo cmpi, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object of type COMMethodParmInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMMethodParmList(List<COMMethodParmInfo> parameterList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that List of objects of type COMMethodParmInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMValueInfo(COMValueInfo cvi, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object of type COMValueInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARContainerOwnerObj(ContainerOwner containerOwner)
          Validate that an object of type ContainerOwner contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARContainerOwnerObjList(List<ContainerOwner> containerOwner)
          Validate that List of objects of type ContainerOwner each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARDDEInfo(DDEAction dde)
          Validate that an object of type DDEAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARDisplayInstanceList(DisplayInstanceMap dInstanceList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object variable of type DisplayInstanceMap contain values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntry(Entry value, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object of type String representing EntryListInfo contains a array of values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntryIdList(String value, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object of type String representing EntryListInfo contains a array of values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntryIdListList(List<String> entryIds, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that a List of type String of entryIds each contain a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields)
          Validate that List of objects of type EntryListFieldInfo each contains a legal columnWidth and separator and that the total length specified is within the limits of the allowed value.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntryListFieldList(List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields)
          Validate that a List of type EntryListFieldInfo each contain a legal columnWidth and separator and that the total length specified is within the limits of the allowed value.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARExtReferenceInfo(ExternalReference extRef)
          Validate that an object of type ExternalReference contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldAssignList(List<FieldAssignInfo> fieldList, boolean nullOK)
          Validate that List of objects of type FieldAssignInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldDefaultValue(Field arg1)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldLimitInfo(Field field)
          Validate that an object variable of type FieldLimit contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldMapping(Field field, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object variable of type FieldMapping contains a valid value.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldValueOrArithInfo(ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand arg1, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that object of type ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFilterActionInfo(FilterAction action, boolean esclFlag, boolean elseFlag)
          Validate that an object of type FilterAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFilterActionList(List<FilterAction> actionList, boolean esclFlag, boolean elseFlag, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that a List of objects of type FilterAction each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARForm(Form object, boolean createForm)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFormType(Form form, boolean nullOk)
          Validates that an object of type Form contains value and that the value is legal
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFunctionAssignInfo(FunctionAssignInfo function)
          validate that an object of type FunctionAssignInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARGotoActionInfo(GotoAction gta)
          Validate that an object of type GotoAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARGotoGuideLabel(GotoGuideLabelAction gtla)
          Validate that an object of type GotoGuideLabelAction contains a value(Label) and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARIndexList(List<IndexInfo> indexInfo)
          Validate that List of objects of type IndexInfo contains values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARLocaleType(String locale, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object variable of type String contains a value and that value is within the length limits of the system.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARNameList(List<String> formList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that the List of objects of type String representing Form each contain values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARNameType(String name, boolean nullOk)
 void ParameterValidator.validateAROpenDlgInfo(OpenWindowAction owA)
          Validate that an object of type OpenWindowAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARPermissionList(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList)
          Validate that List of objects of type PermissionInfo each contains a value and that the value is within the limits of the allowed value.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARPropList(PropertyMap objPropList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that a map of objects of type Values contain values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARPushFieldsAction(PushFieldsAction pfa)
          Validate that an object of type PushFieldsAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARPushFieldsList(List<PushFieldsInfo> pfI)
          Validate that List of objects of type PushFieldsInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARQualifierInfo(QualifierInfo qf, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object variable of type QualifierInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARQueryValueInfo(QueryInfo qf)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARReferenceInfo(Reference references)
          Validate that an object of type Reference contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARReferenceList(List<Reference> references)
          Validate that List of objects of type Reference each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARRelOpInfo(RelationalOperationInfo relOp)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARServerInfoList(ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap)
          Validate that a Map of ServerInfo objects each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARServerInfoRequestList(int[] arg1)
          Validate that array of integers representing ServerInfoRequest each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARServerInfoRequestList2(int[] requestList)
          Validate that an array integers representing requestList contain values and that the values are legal (for ServerStatistics).
 void ParameterValidator.validateARServerNameType(String serverName, boolean nullOk)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARService(ServiceAction svc)
          Validate that an object of type ServiceAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARSetFieldsAction(SetFieldsAction sfa)
          Validate that an object of type SetFieldsAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARSortList(List<SortInfo> sortInfo)
          Validate that an object of type SortInfo contain values and that the values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARSqlCommand(String arg1)
          Validate that a String object representing SQL Command contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARSQLInfo(DirectSqlAction dsqa)
          Validate that an object of type DirectSQLAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARStatistic(int statistic)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARStringType(String arString, int maxLen, boolean nullOk)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARStringType(String arString, int maxLen, int errorCode)
          Validate string to see if it is null or length is equal to zero or exceeds the max length specified.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARStringType(String arString, int maxLen, int emptyError, int tooLongError, boolean nullOk)
          Validate string to see if it is null or exceeds the max length specified.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARStructItemList(List<StructItemInfo> items, boolean importFlag)
          Validate that a List of type StructItemInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARValueInfo(Value value)
          Validate that an object of type Value contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARValueList(List<Value> values)
          Validate that an object of type Value List contains a list of values and that those values are legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARValueSetQuery(ValueSetQuery valueSetQuery)
          Validates that an object of type ValueSetQuery contains value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARView(View object)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARWait(WaitAction wa)
          Validate that an object variable of type WaitAction contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateBuffer(String buffer)
 void ParameterValidator.validateEscalationTm(EscalationTimeCriteria escalationTm)
 LicenseValidInfo ARServerUser.validateLicense(String licenseType)
          Validates license info.
 void ParameterValidator.validateMenuInfo(Menu arg1, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object variable of type Menu contains a value and that the value is legal.
 List<LicenseValidInfo> ARServerUser.validateMultipleLicense(List<String> licenseTypes)
          Validates multiple license info.
 void ParameterValidator.validateOneField(Field fieldObj, boolean createField)
 void ParameterValidator.validateQueryFormField(QueryFormField queryField)
          Validates that an object of type QueryFormField contains information about field's source and a valid id.
 void ParameterValidator.validateQueryFormFields(List<QueryFormField> queryFields)
          Validates the List of type QueryFormField of queryFields.
 void ParameterValidator.validateQueryJoin(IQuerySource querySource)
          Validates a join information of an object of type IQuerySource.
 void ParameterValidator.validateQuerySource(IQuerySource querySource)
          Validates that an object of type IQuerySource is of a correct type, contains value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateQuerySources(List<IQuerySource> querySources)
          Validate that a List of type IQuerySource of querySources each contain a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateRecursiveQuery(RecursiveQuery recQuery)
          Validates that an object of type RecursiveQuery contains value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateRegularQuery(RegularQuery query)
          Validates that an object of type RegularQuery contains value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateSupportFileType(int fileType)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateActiveLink(ARServerUser context, ActiveLink arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateContainer(ARServerUser context, Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateEntry(ARServerUser context, String arg1, Entry arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateEscalation(ARServerUser context, Escalation arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateField(ARServerUser context, Field fieldObj, boolean isReservedRangeIdOK)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateFilter(ARServerUser context, Filter arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateForm(ARServerUser ctx, Form object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateImage(ARServerUser ctx, Image arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateMenu(ARServerUser context, Menu object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateMultipleFields(ARServerUser context, List<Field> arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateSupportFile(ARServerUser context, SupportFile supportFile)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateView(ARServerUser context, View object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String name, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteContainer(ARServerUser context, String name, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, String entryId, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteEscalation(ARServerUser context, String name, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteField(ARServerUser context, String form, int fieldId, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteFilter(ARServerUser context, String name, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteForm(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteImage(ARServerUser context, String arg1, boolean arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteMenu(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteMultipleFields(ARServerUser context, String form, int[] ids, int deleteOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteSupportFile(ARServerUser context, SupportFileKey arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteView(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyAREndBulkEntryTransaction(ARServerUser context, int arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyAREndTransactionOption(ARServerUser context, int transactionOption)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExecuteProcess(ARServerUser context, String arg1, boolean arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExecuteProcessForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList, boolean asyncMode)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExecuteProcessForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean asyncMode)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExpandMenu(ARServerUser context, Menu arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExport(ARServerUser context, List<StructItemInfo> items, String arg2, int arg3, WorkflowLockInfo arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String arg1, ActiveLinkCriteria arg2, ActiveLink arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetApplicationState(ARServerUser context, String arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetContainer(ARServerUser context, String name, ContainerCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, String entryId, int[] entryListFields)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetEntryBlob(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, int arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetEntryBlob(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, int arg3, String arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetEntryStatistics(ARServerUser context, String arg1, QualifierInfo arg2, ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand arg3, int arg4, int[] arg5)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetEscalation(ARServerUser context, String key, EscalationCriteria criteria, Escalation object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetField(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2, FieldCriteria arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetFilter(ARServerUser context, String key, FilterCriteria criteria, Filter object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetForm(ARServerUser context, String name, FormCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetImage(ARServerUser context, String arg1, ImageCriteria arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListApplicationState(ARServerUser context)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListContainer(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields, List<SortInfo> sortList, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListEntryBlocks(ARServerUser context, String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int numEntriesPerBlock, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger numReturnedBlocks, OutputInteger numReturnedRows, OutputInteger numTotalMatches)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListEntryWithFields(ARServerUser context, String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListEntryWithMultiSchemaFields(ARServerUser context, RegularQuery arg1, int arg2, int arg3, boolean arg4, OutputInteger arg5)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListEscalation(ARServerUser context, String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListExtFormCandidates(ARServerUser context, int formType)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListField(ARServerUser context, String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListFilter(ARServerUser context, String formName, long changedSince, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListForm(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListFormObjects(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, FormCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListFormWithAlias(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, int formType, String formName, int[] fieldIds, String vuiLabel)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListGroup(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListImage(ARServerUser context, List<String> arg1, long arg2, String arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListLicense(ARServerUser context, String arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListMenu(ARServerUser context, long arg1, List<String> arg2, List<String> arg3, ObjectPropertyMap arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListMenuObjects(ARServerUser context, long arg1, List<String> arg2, List<String> arg3, MenuCriteria arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListRole(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListSQL(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2, boolean arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListSQLForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListSupportFile(ARServerUser context, int arg1, String arg2, int arg3, long arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListUser(ARServerUser context, int option, long changedSince)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListView(ARServerUser context, String arg1, long arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListViewObjects(ARServerUser context, String arg1, long arg2, ViewCriteria arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetLocalizedValue(ARServerUser context, LocalizedValueCriteria criteria, LocalizedRequestInfo request)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMenu(ARServerUser context, String arg1, MenuCriteria arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleActiveLinks(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, List<String> names, ActiveLinkCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleContainerObjects(ARServerUser context, long arg1, List<String> arg2, boolean arg3, int[] arg4, List<ContainerOwner> arg5, int[] arg6, ContainerCriteria arg7)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleCurrencyRatioSets(ARServerUser context, List<Timestamp> arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleEntries(ARServerUser context, String formName, List<String> entryIds, int[] entryListFields)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleEntryPoints(ARServerUser context, long arg1, List<String> arg2, int[] arg3, int arg4, String arg5, boolean arg6)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleEscalations(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, List<String> names, EscalationCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleExtFieldCandidates(ARServerUser context, Object[] compoundFormInfo)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleFields(ARServerUser context, String formName, int[] fieldIds, FieldCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleFilters(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, List<String> names, FilterCriteria criteria)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleImages(ARServerUser context, long arg1, List<String> arg2, ImageCriteria arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleLocalizedValues(ARServerUser context, LocalizedValueCriteria arg1, List<LocalizedRequestInfo> arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetOneEntryWithFields(ARServerUser context, String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, List<SortInfo> sortList, int[] fieldIds, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetServerInfo(ARServerUser context, int[] arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetServerStatistics(ARServerUser context, int[] requestList)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetSupportFile(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, String arg5)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetView(ARServerUser context, String arg1, int arg2, ViewCriteria arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARImport(ARServerUser context, List<StructItemInfo> arg1, int arg2, String arg3)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARMergeEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, Entry entry, int mergeType)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARServiceEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, String entryId, Entry entry, int[] entryListFields)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetActiveLink(ARServerUser context, ActiveLink object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetApplicationState(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetContainer(ARServerUser context, Container object, boolean removeInvalidReference)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, String entryId, Entry entry, Timestamp ts, int option)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetEscalation(ARServerUser context, Escalation object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetField(ARServerUser context, Field arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetFilter(ARServerUser context, Filter arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetForm(ARServerUser context, Form object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetImage(ARServerUser context, Image arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetMenu(ARServerUser context, Menu arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetMultipleFields(ARServerUser context, List<Field> arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetServerInfo(ARServerUser context, ServerInfoMap serverInfoMap)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetSupportFile(ARServerUser context, SupportFile arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetView(ARServerUser context, View arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARValidateLicense(ARServerUser context, String arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARValidateMultipleLicenses(ARServerUser context, List<String> arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARVerifyUser(ARServerUser context)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARXMLCreateEntry(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARXMLGetEntry(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARXMLServiceEntry(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARXMLSetEntry(ARServerUser context, String arg1, String arg2, String arg3, String arg4, String arg5, String arg6)
 void ARServerUser.verifyUser()
          Returns user privilege flags.
 void MethodValidator.verifyUserContext(ARServerUser context)
 void ARServerUser.wfdClearAllBreakpoints()
          Clear All Breakpoints
 void ARServerUser.wfdClearBreakpoint(int bpId)
          Clear Breakpoint
 int[] ARServerUser.wfdExecute(int mode)
          Tell the debug worker thread to begin execution
 WfdDebugLocation ARServerUser.wfdGetDebugLocation(int depth)
          returns the current location of the debug thread
 int ARServerUser.wfdGetDebugMode()
          Get debug mode, indicating which stopping points are enforced
 List<Entry> ARServerUser.wfdGetFieldValues(int depth)
          Get field values
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.wfdGetFilterQual()
          Get Filter qualifier
 Value ARServerUser.wfdGetKeywordValue(int kwId)
          Get Keyword Value
 WfdUserContext ARServerUser.wfdGetUserContext(int mask)
          Get User context
 List<WfdBreakpoint> ARServerUser.wfdListBreakpoints()
          List Breakpoints
 void ARServerUser.wfdSetBreakpoint(int errorCode, WfdBreakpoint bp)
          Set Breakpoint
 void ARServerUser.wfdSetDebugMode(int mode)
          Set debug mode, indicating which stopping points to enforce
 void ARServerUser.wfdSetFieldValues(List<Entry> fieldValues)
          Set field values
 void ARServerUser.wfdSetQualifierResult(boolean result)
          Set qualifier result
 void ARServerUser.wfdTerminateAPI(int errorCode)
          Terminate API
 String ARServerUser.xmlCreateEntry(String inputMapping, String inputDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
 String ARServerUser.xmlExecuteService(String queryMapping, String queryDoc, String inputMapping, String inputDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
 String ARServerUser.xmlGetEntry(String queryMapping, String queryDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.
 String ARServerUser.xmlSetEntry(String queryMapping, String queryDoc, String inputMapping, String inputDoc, String outputMapping, String optionDoc)
          AR System internal use only.

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.