AR System Java API

Class DefaultProxyManager

  extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyManager
      extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.DefaultProxyManager

public class DefaultProxyManager
extends ProxyManager

DefaultProxyManager is a singleton factory class that provides clients with Proxy instances. Proxies represent connections to AR System servers and provide access to their server via the native AR System API. Proxies are optionally pooled by server. A client taking a proxy from the pool by calling getProxy must return it to the pool when done by calling releaseProxy and not hold onto a reference to it.

Here the DefaultProxyManager simply instantiates Proxy on request and terminates its connection when a client releases it. Because a connection is maintained until the proxy has been releasd, clients should not hold references to a proxy for extended times; an AR System server license is also consumed while the connection is active. Behavior is undefined when holding a reference to a released proxy and calling methods on it. Such practice will also prevent the proxy from being garbage collected.

The default ProxyManager returned by getProxyManager does not pool connections. The system property ProxyManager class can be set to the name of an alternative class that uses another policy. Specifically, the API provides PoolingProxyManager if pooling of connections is desired.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyManager
Method Summary
 com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy getProxy(ARServerUser context)
          Get proxy for the AR System server specified by the context.
 void releaseProxy(com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy proxy, ARServerUser context)
          Return a proxy for possible later reuse.
Methods inherited from class com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyManager
getPoolInformation, getProxyManager, getServerContextMap, isUseConnectionPooling, setConnectionLimits, setUseConnectionPooling
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy getProxy(ARServerUser context)
                                 throws ARException
Get proxy for the AR System server specified by the context. The caller must return the proxy after use by calling releaseProxy. The proxy holds one of a limited number of connections to its associated server. The caller must not hold a reference to the proxy after returning it.

Specified by:
getProxy in class ProxyManager
ARException - because set server port failed in the server


public void releaseProxy(com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy proxy,
                         ARServerUser context)
Return a proxy for possible later reuse. Whether it can be later reused depends on whether the specific ProxyManager being used pools connections or not. The specified context is used to determine which AR System server (and its connection) is associated with this proxy. The caller must not continue to hold a reference to the proxy after returning it to the ProxyManager so that when it expires its connection can be terminated and it can be garbage collected.

Specified by:
releaseProxy in class ProxyManager

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.