AR System Java API

Class Form

  extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.ObjectBase
      extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.Form
All Implemented Interfaces:
IARPersistentObject, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
DisplayOnlyForm, JoinForm, RegularForm, VendorForm, ViewForm

public abstract class Form
extends ObjectBase
implements Cloneable

The Form class and methods are used to represent the properties of form objects.

Note: All the constants used in the Form class are found in the Constants class.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Form(String name)
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Clone implementation that returns an Object with data cloned from self.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one.
 List<Integer> getAdminGrpList()
          Retrives the list of groups who can administer this form (and the associated filters, escalations, and active links).
 ArchiveInfo getArchiveInfo()
          Returns the archive info for the form.
 AuditInfo getAuditInfo()
          Returns the audit info for the form.
 String getDefaultVUI()
          Returns the label for the default view.
 List<EntryListFieldInfo> getEntryListFieldInfo()
          Returns the list of fields that identifies the default query list data for retrieving form entries.
 int getFormType()
          Returns the form type.
 List<IndexInfo> getIndexInfo()
          Returns the list of indexes for the form.
 String getKey()
          Returns unique identifier for form.
 ObjectPropertyMap getProperties()
          Returns the object properties associated with a SCC integration.
 List<SortInfo> getSortInfo()
          Returns the list of fields that identifies the default sort order for retrieving form entries.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class.
 void setAdminGrpList(List<Integer> adminList)
          Sets the list of groups who can administer this form (and the associated filters, escalations, and active links).
 void setArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfo archiveInfo)
          Sets the archive info for the form.
 void setAuditInfo(AuditInfo auditInfo)
          Sets the audit info for the form.
 void setDefaultVUI(String defaultVUI)
          Sets the label for the default view.
 void setDeleteOption(int option)
          Sets the delete option indicating the action to take if the specified form contains entries (applicable for base forms only) or is a member of a join form.
 void setEntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields)
          Sets the list of fields that identifies the default query list data for retrieving form entries.
 void setIndexInfo(List<IndexInfo> indexList)
          Sets the list of indexes to create for the form.
 void setKey(String key)
          Sets unique identifier for form.
 void setPermissions(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList)
          Sets the permissions of the AR System object.
 void setProperties(ObjectPropertyMap props)
          Sets the object properties associated with a Source Code Control (SCC) integration.
 void setSortInfo(List<SortInfo> sortList)
          Sets the list of fields that identifies the default sort order for retrieving form entries.
 String toString()
          Returns a string description of the object.
Methods inherited from class com.bmc.arsys.api.ObjectBase
appendDiaryText, clear, getChangeFlags, getDiary, getHelpText, getLastChangedBy, getLastUpdateTime, getName, getNewName, getOwner, getPermissions, setChangeFlags, setDiary, setDiary, setHelpText, setLastChangedBy, setName, setNewName, setOwner
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Form()


public Form(String name)
Method Detail


public void setAdminGrpList(List<Integer> adminList)
Sets the list of groups who can administer this form (and the associated filters, escalations, and active links). Users must belong to both a specified group and the Subadministrator group to obtain these privileges. Specifying an empty administrator group list defines a form that can be administered by users with administrator capability only. Specifying group ID 0 (Public) provides subadministrator capability to all members of the Subadministrator group.

adminList - An array of int objects


public void setPermissions(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList)
Description copied from class: ObjectBase
Sets the permissions of the AR System object.

Specified by:
setPermissions in interface IARPersistentObject
setPermissions in class ObjectBase


public List<Integer> getAdminGrpList()
Retrives the list of groups who can administer this form (and the associated filters, escalations, and active links). Users must belong to both a specified group and the Subadministrator group to obtain these privileges.


public List<SortInfo> getSortInfo()
Returns the list of fields that identifies the default sort order for retrieving form entries.


public void setSortInfo(List<SortInfo> sortList)
Sets the list of fields that identifies the default sort order for retrieving form entries.

sortList - An array of SortInfo objects


public void setIndexInfo(List<IndexInfo> indexList)
Sets the list of indexes to create for the form. You can specify from 1 to 16 fields for each index (limited by AR_MAX_INDEX_FIELDS). DiaryList fields and character fields larger than 255 bytes cannot be indexed.

indexList - An array of IndexInfo objects


public List<IndexInfo> getIndexInfo()
Returns the list of indexes for the form.


public void setArchiveInfo(ArchiveInfo archiveInfo)
Sets the archive info for the form.


public ArchiveInfo getArchiveInfo()
Returns the archive info for the form.


public void setAuditInfo(AuditInfo auditInfo)
Sets the audit info for the form.


public AuditInfo getAuditInfo()
Returns the audit info for the form.


public void setEntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields)
Sets the list of fields that identifies the default query list data for retrieving form entries. The list can include any data fields except diary fields and long character fields. The combined length of all specified fields, including separator characters, can be as many as 128 bytes (limited by AR_MAX_SDESC_SIZE). The query list displays the Short-Description core field by default(or zero fields).

getListFields - An array of EntryListFieldInfo objects


public List<EntryListFieldInfo> getEntryListFieldInfo()
Returns the list of fields that identifies the default query list data for retrieving form entries.


public void setDeleteOption(int option)
Sets the delete option indicating the action to take if the specified form contains entries (applicable for base forms only) or is a member of a join form.

option - Possible values are:

  • 0: Do not delete the form
  • 1: Delete if form contains entries but not if it is a member of a join form
  • 2: Delete the form and all join forms dependent on it


public int getFormType()
Returns the form type. The form type values are as follows:


public void setProperties(ObjectPropertyMap props)
Sets the object properties associated with a Source Code Control (SCC) integration.

In the AR System, server objects have a list of properties, represented as tag-value pairs. Each PropInfo object contains a tag and a Value that is used to store the value for a given tag. If you do not specify the object properties, an object properties list with zero properties will be associated with the field.

props - An array of PropInfo objects


public ObjectPropertyMap getProperties()
Returns the object properties associated with a SCC integration.


public String getKey()
Returns unique identifier for form.


public void setKey(String key)
Sets unique identifier for form.


public void setDefaultVUI(String defaultVUI)
Sets the label for the default view.


public String getDefaultVUI()
Returns the label for the default view.


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clone implementation that returns an Object with data cloned from self.

clone in class ObjectBase


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one. The result is true only if the argument is not null, is of the same type and represents the same content.

equals in class ObjectBase
obj - the object that we are comparing to
returns a boolean that tells if the two objects equal


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class. This method is supported as required by the general contract of Object.hashCode, for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable.

hashCode in class ObjectBase
returns the hash code for this instance


public String toString()
Returns a string description of the object.

toString in class ObjectBase

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.