AR System Java API

Class AssignFieldInfo

  extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.AssignFieldInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class AssignFieldInfo
extends Object
implements Cloneable, Serializable

The AssignFieldInfo class identifies a form field value to assign in a Set Fields or Push Fields action. You can specify a value from any entry in any form on a particular server.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int AR_CURRENCY_FLD
          AR_CURRENCY_FLD is a value from the CurrencyPart field to compare in a relational operation.
static int AR_FIELD
          AR_FIELD is a form field value to compare in a relational operation.
static int AR_STAT_HISTORY
          AR_STAT_HISTORY is a value from the Status-History core field to compare in a relational operation.
Constructor Summary
AssignFieldInfo(String server, String form, QualifierInfo qualifier, int tag, Object object, int noMatchOption, int multiMatchOption)
Method Summary
 Object clone()
          Clone implementation that returns an Object with data cloned from self
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one.
 boolean equals(Object anObject, String lhsServer, String lhsForm, String rhsServer, String rhsForm)
 CurrencyPartInfo getCurrencyPart()
          Returns Currency part field value.
 int getFieldId()
          Returns field ID value.
 String getForm()
          Returns the name of the form containing the field value to assign.
 int getMultiMatchOption()
          Returns option integer value indicating the action to take if multiple entries match the search criteria (Set Fields) or if any entry matches the search criteria (Push Fields).
 int getNoMatchOption()
          Returns integer value indicating the action to take if no entries match the search criteria.
 QualifierInfo getQualifier()
          Returns the qualification that identifies the entries to retrieve.
 String getServer()
          Returns the name of the server where the form is located.
 StatusHistoryValueIndicator getStatHistory()
          Returns Status History field value.
 int getTag()
          Returns integer value indicating the type of field value to retrieve
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class.
 void setCurrencyPart(CurrencyPartInfo currencyPart)
          Sets Currency part field value.
 void setFieldId(int fieldId)
          Sets field ID value.
 void setForm(String form)
          Sets the name of the form containing the field value to assign.
 void setMultiMatchOption(int multiMatchOption)
          Sets option integer value indicating the action to take if multiple entries match the search criteria (Set Fields) or if any entry matches the search criteria (Push Fields).
 void setNoMatchOption(int noMatchOption)
          Sets integer value indicating the action to take if no entries match the search criteria.
 void setQualifier(QualifierInfo qualifier)
          Sets the qualification that identifies the entries to set (optional).
 void setServer(String server)
          Sets the name of the server where the form is located.
 void setStatHistory(StatusHistoryValueIndicator statHistory)
          Sets Status History field value.
 void setTag(int tag)
          Sets integer value indicating the type of field value to set with the following constant values:
 String toString()
          Returns a string description of the object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int AR_FIELD
AR_FIELD is a form field value to compare in a relational operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_STAT_HISTORY
AR_STAT_HISTORY is a value from the Status-History core field to compare in a relational operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int AR_CURRENCY_FLD
AR_CURRENCY_FLD is a value from the CurrencyPart field to compare in a relational operation.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public AssignFieldInfo()


public AssignFieldInfo(String server,
                       String form,
                       QualifierInfo qualifier,
                       int tag,
                       Object object,
                       int noMatchOption,
                       int multiMatchOption)
Method Detail


public int getFieldId()
Returns field ID value.


public void setFieldId(int fieldId)
Sets field ID value.


public StatusHistoryValueIndicator getStatHistory()
Returns Status History field value.


public void setStatHistory(StatusHistoryValueIndicator statHistory)
Sets Status History field value.


public CurrencyPartInfo getCurrencyPart()
Returns Currency part field value. Currency fields consist of several parts that combine to represent a complete currency value.


public void setCurrencyPart(CurrencyPartInfo currencyPart)
Sets Currency part field value. Currency fields consist of several parts that combine to represent a complete currency value.


public String getServer()
Returns the name of the server where the form is located.


public void setServer(String server)
Sets the name of the server where the form is located.


public String getForm()
Returns the name of the form containing the field value to assign.


public void setForm(String form)
Sets the name of the form containing the field value to assign.
  • For filters and escalations, specify @ to set the value from the current transaction.
  • For active links, specify * to set the value from the current window.

  • getQualifier

    public QualifierInfo getQualifier()
    Returns the qualification that identifies the entries to retrieve.


    public void setQualifier(QualifierInfo qualifier)
    Sets the qualification that identifies the entries to set (optional).


    public int getTag()
    Returns integer value indicating the type of field value to retrieve


    public void setTag(int tag)
    Sets integer value indicating the type of field value to set with the following constant values:

    tag - Use these values:AR_FIELD, AR_STAT_HISTORY, AR_CURRENCY_FLD


    public int getNoMatchOption()
    Returns integer value indicating the action to take if no entries match the search criteria.


    public void setNoMatchOption(int noMatchOption)
    Sets integer value indicating the action to take if no entries match the search criteria. Use the following constant values:

    noMatchOption - Use these values:


    public int getMultiMatchOption()
    Returns option integer value indicating the action to take if multiple entries match the search criteria (Set Fields) or if any entry matches the search criteria (Push Fields).


    public void setMultiMatchOption(int multiMatchOption)
    Sets option integer value indicating the action to take if multiple entries match the search criteria (Set Fields) or if any entry matches the search criteria (Push Fields).

    multiMatchOption - Use the following constant values:


    public Object clone()
                 throws CloneNotSupportedException
    Clone implementation that returns an Object with data cloned from self

    clone in class Object


    public boolean equals(Object obj)
    Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one. The result is true only if the argument is not null, is of the same type and represents the same content.

    equals in class Object
    obj - the object that we are comparing to
    returns a boolean that tells if the two objects equal


    public boolean equals(Object anObject,
                          String lhsServer,
                          String lhsForm,
                          String rhsServer,
                          String rhsForm)


    public int hashCode()
    Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class. This method is supported as required by the general contract of Object.hashCode, for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable.

    hashCode in class Object
    returns the hash code for this instance


    public String toString()
    Returns a string description of the object.

    toString in class Object

    AR System Java API

    ? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.