CMDB Common
Data Model

Class BMC_DataBase


Direct Known Subclasses:

A database environment is composed of a database system, one or more database services, and one or more databases. The BMC_DataBase class stores information about database systems (collections of interrelated data organized into one or more schemas and treated as a unit). You should create an instance of this class for each separately manageable database system. You can use this class to (1) specify the software that belongs to the database system, (2) perform systemwide database management operations, such as stopping all the databases that were created by the system for maintenance purposes, and (3) view run-time statistics for the database system. To represent database services, use the BMC_ApplicationService or BMC_BusinessService class. To represent databases, use the BMC_SoftwareServer class (set its SoftwareServerType attribute to DatabaseServer). To represent database storage areas, use the BMC_DataBaseStorage class. The key of a BMC_DataBase instance in an enterprise environment is its Name attribute. This class corresponds to the DMTF CIM_DatabaseSystem class. For more information about database services, see the description of the CIM_DatabaseService class. For more information about databases, see the description of the CIM_CommonDatabase class.
MappedInBasetrueNone None
Name_SpaceBMC.CORENone None

Attributes inherited from class BMC_BaseElement
AccountID, AssignedTo, AttributeDataSourceList, Availability, Category, ClassId, CMDBRowLevelSecurity, CMDBWriteSecurity, CompareActionCode, Confidentiality, CreateDate, DatasetId, deleted, DeleteInstanceTrigger, Description, FailedAutomaticIdentification, History, InstanceId, Integrity, Item, LastModifiedBy, LastREJobrunId, LastScanDate, ManufacturerName, MarkAsDeleted, Model, ModifiedDate, Name, NameFormat, Notes, OpIdWeakReference, OwnerContact, OwnerName, Priority, ReconciliationIdentity, ReferenceInstance, RelLeadClassId, RelLeadInstanceId, RequestId, SerialNumber, ShortDescription, Status, Submitter, Supported, TmpOpOriginationForm, TokenFormat, TokenId, Type, VersionNumber

Inherited Relationships

NameParent ClassReference Class

CMDB Common
Data Model

Copyright 2006 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.