CMDB Common
Data Model

Class BMC_Component


Direct Known Subclasses:
BMC_ApplicationSystemServices, BMC_HostedSystemComponents

The BMC_Component class establishes "part of" relationships between any two configuration item (CI) classes. For example, it can be used to define the patches that are installed on a software product. It can also be used to define the activities or steps that make up a business process. This class corresponds to the DMTF CIM_Component class.
AggregationtrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
AssociationtrueNone OVERRIDABLE= false
Name_SpaceBMC.CORENone None

Attributes inherited from class BMC_BaseRelationship
AccountID, AssignedTo, AttributeDataSourceList, ClassId, CMDBRowLevelSecurity, CMDBWriteSecurity, CompareActionCode, CreateDate, DatasetId, deleted, DeleteInstanceTrigger, DestinationClassId, DestinationDatasetId, DestinationInstanceId, DestinationReconciliationIdentity, FailedAutomaticIdentification, InstanceId, LastModifiedBy, LastREJobrunId, MarkAsDeleted, ModifiedDate, Name, OpIdWeakReference, ReconciliationIdentity, ShortDescription, SourceClassId, SourceDatasetId, SourceInstanceId, SourceReconciliationIdentity, Status, Submitter

Association References

NameClass OriginReference Class

CMDB Common
Data Model

Copyright 2006 BMC Software, Inc. All rights reserved.