AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of Field in com.bmc.arsys.api

Subclasses of Field in com.bmc.arsys.api
 class AttachmentField
          Attachment fields enables users to store text, graphics, audio, or video with a request.
 class AttachmentPoolField
          An attachment pool contains attachment fields that enable users to store text, graphics, audio, or video with a request.
 class CharacterField
          Character Field is one of the data field which contains character data.
 class ColumnField
          In list view tables, each Column Field represents a field from the supporting form, and each row represents a request from that form.
 class ControlField
          ControlField is a type of field that controls workflow, but do not have data behind it.
 class CurrencyField
          A currency field stores currency data, including information the user enters (a decimal value and a currency type), one or more functional currency types (whose values are filled in when the currency data is submitted), and the date on which functional values were converted
 class DateOnlyField
          Store date information only, as the number of days from the beginning of its range.
 class DateTimeField
 class DecimalField
 class DiaryField
          Diary fields capture the history of a request over time.
 class DisplayField
          This class represent display only fields.
 class IntegerField
          Integer fields accept integer values between –2147483647 and 2147483647.
 class PageField
          Page fields are composed of a page holder containing one or more tabbed pages.
 class PageHolderField
          This class represent Page Holder Fields.
 class RealField
          Real number fields accept and contain floating-point numbers, which are useful for displaying very small and very large numbers.
 class SelectionField
          Selection fields are displayed as one of three types: Drop-Down List—Users can select a list of choices.
 class TableField
          The AR System supports two types of regular table fields: list view table fields and tree view table fields.
 class TimeOnlyField
          Store time information only, as the number of seconds from 12:00:00 AM.
 class TrimField
          Trim fields are lines, boxes, and text (including URLs) that enable user to modify the appearance of a form.
 class ViewField
          A view field is a display-only field that displays any type of document that a typical browser can display, including: URLs for locally stored HTML files or published web pages (BMC Remedy User and the web client in Internet Explorer only).

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return Field
 Field ARQualifierHelper.getField(String fieldStr)
          Get the Field for the given field name
 Field ARServerUser.getField(String form, int fieldId)
          Retrieve the requested form field object from the server.
 Field ARServerUser.getField(String form, int fieldId, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Retrieve and populate the form field object with the requested information from AR System server.
 Field ARQualifierHelper.getLocalField(String token)
          Returns the local field for token.
 Field ARQualifierHelper.getRemoteField(String token)
          Returns the remote field for token.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type Field
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) fields on the given form.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int[] fieldIds)
          Returns detailed information of all attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int[] fieldIds, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of the given attributes for a list of Field objects specified by the field ids.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) fields that match with the given criteria.
 List<Field> ARServerUser.getListFieldObjects(String formName, int fieldTypeMask, long changedSince, FieldCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information for all (accessible) Field objects that match with the given criteria.
 HashMap<String,Field> ARQualifierHelper.getLocalFieldIdMap()
          Returns the field Id HashMap.
 HashMap<String,Field> ARQualifierHelper.getLocalFieldLabelMap()
          Returns the hashmap for the field label.
 HashMap<String,Field> ARQualifierHelper.getRemoteFieldIdMap()
          Returns the field ID HashMap.
 HashMap<String,Field> ARQualifierHelper.getRemoteFieldNameMap()
          Returns the HashMap for the field name.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type Field
 void ARServerUser.createField(Field object, boolean isReservedRangeIdOK)
          Creates a new form field with the indicated name on the specified server.
 String ARServerUser.formatAssignment(AssignInfo assign, List<Field> fieldList, Field assignField, boolean topLevel)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given assignment AssignInfo object.
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.parseAssignment(String assignString, String queryString, Field assignField, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, String form, String server, int currentScreen, boolean idOk, boolean fromSQL, boolean fromFilterAPI, int queryContext)
          Constructs a AssignInfo object given a string representation.
 void ObjectPrinter.printField(String indent, String header, Field field)
 void ObjectPrinter.printFieldList(String indent, String header, Field[] fieldList)
 void ARServerUser.setField(Field object)
          Saves the changes made to the form field object into AR System server.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldDefaultValue(Field arg1)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldLimitInfo(Field field)
          Validate that an object variable of type FieldLimit contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARFieldMapping(Field field, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object variable of type FieldMapping contains a valid value.
 void ParameterValidator.validateOneField(Field fieldObj, boolean createField)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateField(com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextI context, Field fieldObj, boolean isReservedRangeIdOK)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetField(com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextI context, Field arg1)

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type Field
 void ARServerUser.createMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
          Create new fields for a specified form in the ARSystem.
 String ARServerUser.formatAssignment(AssignInfo assign, List<Field> fieldList, Field assignField, boolean topLevel)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given assignment AssignInfo object.
 String ARServerUser.formatQualification(QualifierInfo qual, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean isEscalation)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given qualifier object.
 String ARServerUser.formatQualification(QualifierInfo qual, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean isEscalation)
          Constructs a String object containing the string representation of a given qualifier object.
 void ARQualifierHelper.generateFieldMaps(List<Field> localFieldList, int vuiId, String historyTag, List<Field> remoteFieldList)
          Generates the field maps for qualification parser.
 void ARQualifierHelper.generateFieldMaps(List<Field> localFieldList, int vuiId, String historyTag, List<Field> remoteFieldList)
          Generates the field maps for qualification parser.
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.parseAssignment(String assignString, String queryString, Field assignField, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, String form, String server, int currentScreen, boolean idOk, boolean fromSQL, boolean fromFilterAPI, int queryContext)
          Constructs a AssignInfo object given a string representation.
 AssignInfo ARServerUser.parseAssignment(String assignString, String queryString, Field assignField, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, String form, String server, int currentScreen, boolean idOk, boolean fromSQL, boolean fromFilterAPI, int queryContext)
          Constructs a AssignInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean exceptionWhenFieldNotFound)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 QualifierInfo ARServerUser.parseQualification(String queryString, List<Field> fieldList1, List<Field> fieldList2, int queryContext, boolean exceptionWhenFieldNotFound)
          Constructs a QualifierInfo object given a string representation.
 void ARQualifierHelper.setLocalFieldIdMap(Map<String,Field> fldidmap)
          Allows the field ID HashMap to be set.
 void ARQualifierHelper.setLocalFieldLabelMap(Map<String,Field> fldmap, int vuiId)
          Allows the fieldlabel HashMap to be set.
 void ARServerUser.setMultipleFields(List<Field> fields)
          Saves the changes made to the form fields into ARSystem server.
 void ARQualifierHelper.setRemoteFieldIdMap(Map<String,Field> fldidmap)
          Allows the field ID HashMap to be set.
 void ARQualifierHelper.setRemoteFieldNameMap(Map<String,Field> fldmap)
          Allows the fieldname HashMap to be set.
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateMultipleFields(com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextI context, List<Field> arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetMultipleFields(com.bmc.arsys.apitransport.ApiUserContextI context, List<Field> arg1)

AR System Java API

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