AR System Java API

Package com.bmc.arsys.api

Interface Summary
ActiveLinkAction The ActiveLinkAction class and methods are used for implementing active link actions.
AlertCallbackHandler An Alert receiving client class implements AlertCallbackHandler interface and supplies an instance of it to AlertReceiver.
ARErrors The ARErrors class defines all the integer values used by the Java API as errors and warnings as constants.
ARNativeAuthenticationInfo The ARNativeAuthenticationInfo interface is implemented by peripheral components of the AR Server to be able to return the user credentials for the user who triggered the api call that led to a call to the component.
Constants The Constants interface defines all the integer values used by the Java API as Java constants.
EscalationTimeCriteria The EscalationTmInfo class represents the time specification for evaluating the escalation condition.
ExtendedClassCallbackHandler ExtendedClassCallbackHandler interface described the callback methods that an implementing class can receive, if the class were to be registered as an extending class for an AR System Java API class.
FilterAction The FilterAction class and methods are used for implementing filter actions.
IARPersistentObject The IARPersistentObject interface defines methods for all AR System server objects.
IARQualifierOperand The IARQualifierOperand class is the superclass of the qualifier and relational operation classes.
IARRowIterator Provides the callback function for getListEntryObjects.
IARServerLogInterface The IARLogInterface class is the superclass that iterates through rows that are returned.
IQuerySource The IQuerySource interface defines methods common to objects that can be used as sources in the multi schema queries.
Version The Version interface contains the AR Java API version string.

Class Summary
Action Reserved for internal use.
ActiveLink The ActiveLink class and methods are used to represent the properties of active link objects.
ActiveLinkCriteria The ActiveLinkCriteria class is used to specify the list of ActiveLink information to retrieve call from the AR System server.
ActiveLinkGuide The following actions used to control the execution of guides: Call Guide active link action—Executes or invokes a guide.
AlertMessageCriteria The AlertMessageCriteria class defines what values you want returned for a particular message.
AlertMessageInfo The AlertMessageInfo class is used to decode a formatted alert message and return its component parts, for example, timestamp, source type, and so on.
AlertReceiver Helper class to facilitate programming AR System Alert client programs.
ArchiveInfo The ArchiveInfo class and methods are used to represent the properties of ArchiveInfo objects.
ArithmeticOperationInfo The ArithmeticOperationInfo class represents the result value from an arithmetic operation between ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand objects.
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand The ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand class represents the operand values of a arithmetic or relational operation.
ArithOpAssignInfo The ArithOpAssignInfo class defines an arithmetic result value to assign in a Set Fields action.
ARQualifierHelper The ARQualifierHelper class is the optimized way to get QualifierInfo.
ARServerUser Interface to a particular AR System server for all API calls.
ARTypeMgr Reserved for internal use.
AssignFieldInfo The AssignFieldInfo class identifies a form field value to assign in a Set Fields or Push Fields action.
AssignFilterApiInfo The AssignFilterApiInfo class specifies a filter API result value to assign in a Set Fields action.
AssignInfo The AssignInfo class lets you define Set Fields action in filters, escalations, or active links.
AssignSQLInfo The AssignSQLInfo class specifies the SQL command and how the result is assigned to the field in a Set Fields action.
AttachmentField Attachment fields enables users to store text, graphics, audio, or video with a request.
AttachmentFieldLimit The AttachmentFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an attachment field (DataType.ATTACHMENT).
AttachmentPoolField An attachment pool contains attachment fields that enable users to store text, graphics, audio, or video with a request.
AttachmentValue The AttachmentValue class is used to get/set the information about attachment fields.
AuditInfo The AuditInfo class and methods are used to represent the properties of AuditInfo objects.
BulkEntryReturn The BulkEntryReturn class defines the return values for bulk entry calls.
ByteListValue The ByteListValue class is used to represent image information.
CallGuideAction The CallGuideAction class is used to represent information about the Call Guide active link action.
ChangeFieldAction The ChangeFieldAction class is used to change display characteristics of fields.
CharacterField Character Field is one of the data field which contains character data.
CharacterFieldLimit The CharacterFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a character field (DataType.CHAR).
CloseWindowAction The CloseWindowAction class is used to create and retrieve information about the Close Window active link action.
ColumnField In list view tables, each Column Field represents a field from the supporting form, and each row represents a request from that form.
ColumnFieldLimit The ColumnFieldLimit class represents the value limits for a column(DataType.COLUMN) field.
COMMethodInfo The COMMethodInfo class defines an OLE Automation method.
COMMethodParmInfo The COMMethodParmInfo class specifies the parameters used in COMValueInfo.
CommitChangesAction The CommitChangesAction class is used to create and retrieve information about the Commit Changes active link action.
COMValueInfo The COMValueInfo class is used to define the method and parameter values in the OLE Automation active link action.
Config This is Singleton class, which is used to capture configuration details for the Java API.
Container Class and methods for container object.
ContainerCriteria The ContainerCriteria class is used to specify the list of Container information.
ContainerListInfo This class has characteristics/properties of containers.
ContainerOwner The ContainerOwner class lets you set or get the container owner type, as well as the name of the form, if the owner type is a form.
ContainerType The ContainerType class represents the different types of containers you can specify, for example, guides or applications or packing lists.
ControlField ControlField is a type of field that controls workflow, but do not have data behind it.
CoordinateInfo The CoordinateInfo class returns the location of a field, that is, the field's X and Y coordinates.
CriteriaFlags The CriteriaFlags class is used to describe the properties needed to be retrieved for many of the server objects.
CurrencyDetail The CurrencyDetail class represents Currency Code information, that is, codes of different country's currencies.
CurrencyField A currency field stores currency data, including information the user enters (a decimal value and a currency type), one or more functional currency types (whose values are filled in when the currency data is submitted), and the date on which functional values were converted
CurrencyFieldLimit The CurrencyFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a Currency (DataType.CURRENCY) field
CurrencyPartInfo The CurrencyPartInfo class represents the result value from an arithmetic operation between ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand objects.
CurrencyValue The CurrencyValue class stores the value, code and date when currecy was entered.
DataDictionaryMenu The DataDictionaryMenu class returns information for a Data-Dictionary menu.
DataType The DataType class represents the data types of fields that are supported by the AR System.
DateInfo The DateInfo class represents the days elapsed since January 1, 4713 B.C.
DateOnlyField Store date information only, as the number of days from the beginning of its range.
DateOnlyFieldLimit The DateOnlyFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
DateTimeFieldLimit The DateTimeFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
DayInfo The DayInfo class is used to specify date and time information in defining escalation firing time.
DDEAction The DDEAction class specifies a DDE result value to assign in a Set Fields action.
DecimalFieldLimit The DecimalFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a decimal(DataType.DECIMAL) field
DiaryField Diary fields capture the history of a request over time.
DiaryFieldLimit The DiaryFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a DiaryList(DataType.DIARY) field
DiaryItem The DiaryItem class is used to retrieve information about change diary fields.
DiaryListValue The DiaryListValue class is used to set or retrieve the values of diary fields.
DirectSqlAction The DirectSqlAction class represents the filter/active link action used to issue any legal SQL command to the database.
DisplayField This class represent display only fields.
DisplayFieldLimit The DisplayFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a display(DataType.DISPLAY) field.
DisplayInstanceMap The DisplayInstanceMap class defines the display properties of a field for all associated form views.
DisplayPropertyMap The DisplayPropertyMap class defines the display properties of ARSystem fields and views.
DSOAction This class extends the Run Process Action specifically for DSO process commands.
Entry The Entry class defines the entry of ARSystem forms.
EntryKey The EntryKey class uniquely identifies a field entry ID.
EntryListFieldInfo Defines the fields (zero or more) to return with each entry, while retrieving entries from the server.
EntryListInfo The EntryListInfo class represents an entry consisting of individual field values represented as a string.
EntryPointInfo The EntryPointInfo class and methods are used to represent the properties of entry point objects.
EntryReturn The EntryReturn class defines the return values for entry related bulk calls that return an entry Id.
EnumItem The EnumItem class provides a definition for Custom Enumerated fields.
Escalation The Escalation class and methods are used to represent the properties of escalation objects.
EscalationCriteria The EscalationCriteria class is used to specify the list of Escalation information to retrieve from the AR System server.
EscalationInterval EscalationInterval is an escalation time criteria which defines the criteria as a time interval (number of seconds)
EscalationTime An escalation time uses a schedule to determine when it is executed, using either a set time or a time interval.
ExitGuideAction The ExitGuideInfo class is used to create and retrieve information about the Exit Guide active link action.
ExtendedClassRegistry ExtendedClassRegistry acts as a registration mechanism for client programs to designate their own implementation classesthat extend AR System Java API classes (i.e.
ExternalReference The ExternalReference class represents non-AR System server objects.
ExtFieldCandidatesInfo The ExtFieldCandidatesInfo class returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for an external compound form.
ExtFormCandidatesInfo The ExtFieldCandidatesInfo class returns information about all the columns/fields candidates for an external compound form.
Field The Field class and methods are used to represent the properties of field objects.
FieldAssignInfo The FieldAssignInfo class represents the field/value pair used in the field list in the workflow Set Fields action (AssignInfo).
FieldCriteria The FieldCriteria class is used to specify the list of Field information
FieldDataDictionaryMenu The CharMenuDDFieldInfo class returns the Data-Dictionary menu field object type.
FieldKey The FieldKey class provides a unique identifier for field objects.
FieldLimit The FieldLimit class is used to define value limits for data fields of any type.
FieldMapping The FieldMapping class is the superclass that represents the information for all field mappings.
FieldType The FieldType class returns a list of fields for a particular form on the specified server.
FileMenu The FileMenu class returns information for file menu based on formatted flat file.
Filter The Filter class and methods are used to represent the properties of filter objects.
FilterCriteria The FilterCriteria class is used to specify the list of Filter information to retrieve from the AR System server.
FilterGuide Filter guides are used to create reusable components of filter workflow by adding computational subroutines within filter processing.
FilterMessageAction The FilterStatusInfo class returns the type of filter message error generated by a function call.
Form The Form class and methods are used to represent the properties of form objects.
FormAliasInfo The FormAliasInfo class represents information about form aliases.
FormCriteria This class is used to provide the criteria of the various forms.
FormDataDictionaryMenu The FormDataDictionaryMenu class returns the Data-Dictionary menu form object type.
FormType The FormType class retrieves a list of forms on the specified server.
FuncCurrencyInfo The FuncCurrencyInfo class is used to represent information about the functional currency.
FunctionAssignInfo The FunctionAssignInfo class specifies a function return value to assign in a Set Fields action.
GotoAction The GotoActionInfo class is used to create and retrieve information about the Goto workflow action.
GotoGuideLabelAction The GotoGuideLabelInfo class is used to create and retrieve information about the Go To Guide Label workflow action.
GroupInfo This GroupInfoclass defines the properties of a group on the AR System server.
Image The Image class and methods are used to represent the properties of AR image objects.
ImageCriteria The ImageCriteria class is used to specify the list of Image information to retrieve from the AR System server.
ImageData The ImageData class is used to contain image object data.
IndexInfo The IndexInfo class defines which fields are indexed on the form.
IntegerField Integer fields accept integer values between –2147483647 and 2147483647.
IntegerFieldLimit The IntegerFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
JoinFieldMapping The JoinFieldMapping class contains the index of the base form and the ID of the field to map to this field.
JoinForm The JoinForm class represents a type of "compound form" consisting of a join between two or more AR System forms.
Keyword The Keyword class represents keywords you can use in qualification criteria.
LicenseInfo The LicenseInfo class represents detailed information about licenses.
LicenseValidInfo The LicenseValidInfo class represents validation information for a license.
ListMenu The ListMenu class returns a list of items used in list menus.
LocalizedRequestInfo The LocalizedRequestInfo class is used to describe the properties of a message.
LocalizedValueCriteria The LocalizedValueCriteria class defines what values you want returned for a particular message, that is, whether you want to return the message text value, the time stamp, or both.
LocalizedValueInfo LocalizedValueInfo object contains the message text corresponding to the Message Type and Name in the AR System Message Catalog form.
LogAction The LogAction class is used to define the log to file workflow action within filters or escalations.
LoggingInfo The LoggingInfo class updates the indicated logging information for the specified server.
MacroParmInfo The MacroParmInfo class lets you enter a name/value pair of the parameters used in the Run Macro active link action (RunMacroAction).
Menu The Menu class and methods are used to represent the properties of menu objects.
MenuCriteria The MenuCriteria class is used to specify the list of Menu information to retrieve from the AR System server.
MenuItem Each MenuItem represents an individual menu item of a list menu.
MessageAction The MessageAction class is used to define the message information that is generally used to display an interactive error, warning, or note.
MethodValidator Reserved for internal use.
NativeLibraryLoader This class is used to load the Native Library
NoPrefixToStringStyle A ToStringStyle which uses no class name and no hash code.
NotifyAction The NotifyActionInfo class is used to to send a message to specified users or groups by email, Remedy Alert, or other mechanism for any transaction that meets the filter or escalation conditions.
ObjectBase The ObjectBase class is used to store the information common to most AR System objects, for example, their help text, change diaries, permissions, and so on.
ObjectBaseCriteria This class is base class of all the object criteria class.
ObjectOperationTimes This class represents the operation timestamp of the objects.
ObjectPrinter This abstract ObjectPrinter class contains the utility methods to print out all possible AR objects and strings.
ObjectPropertyMap The ObjectPropertyMap class defines the object properties of ARSystem object
OleAutomationAction The AutomationInfo class is used to define the information of an OLE Automation active link action.
OpenWindowAction.ReportInfo The ReportInfo class has properties of the report.
OperandType The OperandType class defines the operands that can be used in any relational operation that compares values, for example, in qualifications.
OutputInteger This OutputInteger class provides a class to represent an Integer object whose value can be changed by the callee.
OverlaidInfo The OverlaidInfo class and methods are used to represent the properties of overlaid objects.
OverlayPropInfo The OverlayPropInfo class and methods are used to represent the properties of overlay objects created.
PackingList A packing list is a container of objects that acts as a list.
PageField Page fields are composed of a page holder containing one or more tabbed pages.
PageHolderField This class represent Page Holder Fields.
ParameterValidator This class is used to validate all the input parameters.
PermissionInfo The PermissionInfo class specifies the permissions for an AR System object.
ProcessResult The ProcessResult performs the indicated command on the specified server.
PropertyMap The PropertyMap class is abstract class which defines the object properties of ARSystem object.
PropInfo The PropInfo class uses a tag-value pair (AR_DROP_/AR_DVAL_) to describe the properties of server objects in the AR System.
ProxyManager ProxyManager is a factory class that provides clients with Proxy instances.
PushFieldsAction The PushFieldsAction class is used to change the values of fields in existing entries or create a new entry during a transaction.
PushFieldsInfo The PushFieldsInfo class is used to transfer values from selected fields in the current request to the same or another request each time an operation is successful and conditions are met.
QualifierFromFieldInfo The QualifierFromFieldInfo class is used for dynamic qualification, which means the qualifier string can be obtained from a field.
QualifierInfo The QualifierInfo class is composed of a set of zero or more conditions that limit the set of entries retrieved.
QueryBase The QueryBase class is used to define the properties of a dynamic query.
QueryFormField The QueryFormField class contains the field information consumed by dynamic queries.
QueryInfo The QueryInfo class represents how a query should be processed.
QueryMenu The QueryMenu class returns information for query menus.
QuerySourceForm The QuerySourceForm class represents the form containing the entries to be retrieved through a dynamic query.
QuerySourceValues The QuerySourceValues represents query source-related data in the form of field/value pairs.
RealField Real number fields accept and contain floating-point numbers, which are useful for displaying very small and very large numbers.
RealFieldLimit The RealFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a real number(DataType.REAL) field.
RecursiveQuery The RecursiveQuery class is used to define the properties of a sub- or hierarchical query.
Reference Reference is used to set and return the objects referenced by a container.
ReferenceType The ReferenceType class specifies the type of internal and external references
RegularFieldMapping The RegularFieldMapping class contains the field name in a vendor form derived from an external data source.
RegularForm Regular forms are generally the main forms of AR applications.
RegularQuery The RegularQuery class is used to define the properties of a dynamic query.
RelationalOperationInfo The RelationalOperationInfo class represents any relational operation between any ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand objects.
RoleInfo This RoleInfoclass defines the properties of a role on the AR System server.
RunMacroAction The ActiveLinkMacroInfo class lets you specify a macro to run whenever the active link is executed.
RunProcessAction The RunProcessAction class is used to define the run process workflow action within active links, filters or escalations.
SelectionField Selection fields are displayed as one of three types: Drop-Down List—Users can select a list of choices.
SelectionFieldLimit The SelectionFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a selection(DataType.ENUM) field.
ServerInfo The ServerInfo class represents the server information operations and their values returned from a server.
ServerInfoMap The ServerInfoMap class defines the configuration information for the server.
ServerInfoMenu The ServerInfoMenu class contains server information for the Menu.
ServiceAction The ServiceAction description
Session Reserved for internal use.
SetFieldsAction The SetFieldsAction class is used to change the values of fields during a transaction.
SetFieldsFromCurrentScreen Set Fields action as CURRENT SCREEN (active links), the field is set with a value that is not from the database.
SetFieldsFromCurrentTransaction Set Fields action as CURRENT TRANSACTION (filters and escalations), the field is set with a value that is not from the database.
SetFieldsFromFilterAPI For filters and escalations, user can pass values from the Set Fields window to a filter API plug-in service.
SetFieldsFromForm This class represents another type of setFields.
SetFieldsFromSQL This is a type of setfields.
SetFieldsFromWebService This class is a type of setField, where WEB SERVICE is used as the data source to enter data from the web service into the base form.
SortInfo The SortInfo class specifies the sort order of fields from an entry list.
SqlMenu The SqlMenu class returns information for SQL menu.
SQLResult The SQLResult class returns a list of result values returned from an SQL query.
StatisticsResultInfo The StatisticsResultInfo class returns statistics (aggregates) for the form entries, and identifies which group-by values were used to compile the statistics.
StatusHistoryItem The StatusHistoryItem class retrieves the the user and time stamp components of the Status History core field.
StatusHistoryValue The StatusHistoryValue class is used to represent the values of status history fields.
StatusHistoryValueIndicator The StatusHistoryValue class allows user to refer to the status history associated with changes.
StatusInfo The StatusInfo class represents a message generated by a function call.
StructItemInfo The StructItemInfo class represents a particular object to export or import.
SupportFile The SupportFile class and methods is used to represent the properties of a support file.
SupportFileCriteria The SupportFileCriteria class is used to specify the list of SupportFile information
SupportFileKey The SupportFileKey class provides a unique identifier for support file objects.
SupportFileListCriteria The SupportFileListCriteria class is used to define the search criteria for retrieving the support files from the server.
TableField The AR System supports two types of regular table fields: list view table fields and tree view table fields.
TableFieldLimit The TableFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a table(DataType.TABLE) field.
Time The Time class represents the time elapsed since midnight.
TimeOnlyField Store time information only, as the number of seconds from 12:00:00 AM.
TimeOnlyFieldLimit The TimeOnlyFieldLimit class defines the value limits for an integer(DataType.INTEGER) field.
Timestamp The Timestamp class represents the time at which an operation was performed.
TrimField Trim fields are lines, boxes, and text (including URLs) that enable user to modify the appearance of a form.
UserInfo The UserInfo class contains information about users in AR System.
UserLicenseInfo The UserLicenseInfo class contains information about user's licenses in AR System.
Util The Util class combines all the functions not related to specific server objects into a "catch-all" class.
ValidateFormCacheInfo The class ValidateFormCacheInfo holds the form schema changes that can be used by Java API clients to validate their cache.
Value The Value class represents the value information associated to a field.
ValueSetQuery The ValueSetQuery class is used to define the properties of a IN/NOT IN query used in qualifier.
VendorFieldMapping The VendorFieldMapping class contains the field name in a vendor form derived from an external data source.
VendorForm The VendorForm class represents a type of "external" form that is created from a non-database source (for example, an XML file).
View The View represents the form view (VUI) with the indicated name on the specified server.
ViewCriteria The ViewCriteria class is used to specify the list of View information for any view object on the AR System server.
ViewDisplayPropertyMap The ViewDisplayPropertyMap class defines the display properties of ARSystem views.
ViewField A view field is a display-only field that displays any type of document that a typical browser can display, including: URLs for locally stored HTML files or published web pages (BMC Remedy User and the web client in Internet Explorer only).
ViewFieldLimit The ViewFieldLimit class defines the value limits for a character(DataType.CHAR) field
ViewFieldMapping The ViewFieldMapping class contains the field name of the external table.
ViewForm The ViewForm class represents a type of "external" form that is created from a non-AR System database source, for example, an MS Access database.
ViewKey The ViewKey class provides a unique identifier for VUI objects.
WaitAction The WaitInfo class represents the Wait active link action that causes the current guide to wait for user input.
WebService This class represent one of the container type.
WfdBreakpoint The WfdBreakpoint class contains information about a workflow location where the worker thread should stop.
WfdDebugLocation The WfdDebugLocation class represents the current location of a worker thread while it is executing workflow.
WfdUserContext The WfdUserContext class contains information about the user associated with the thread being debugged.
WorkflowLockInfo The WorkflowLockInfo class represents detailed information about workflow lock.
XMLEntryReturn The XMLEntryReturn class defines the return values for XML entry related bulk calls that return an output document.

Enum Summary
ARServerUser.ExecuteProcessActionType Valid values for the action type to execute in ExecuteProcessForActiveLink
ARTimeUnit A copy of JDK 1.6 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit since AR Java API compiles with JDK 1.5.
ConfigKey For Remedy internal use only.
CoreFieldId The CoreFieldId is an enum class that lists all the AR System core fields with their field IDs.

Exception Summary
ARBulkException The ARBulkException class defines the exceptions generated by the bulk entry transaction API.
ARException The ARException class represents the exceptions generated by API.
ARMultiStatusException The ARMultiStatusException class represents the exceptions generated by API.

AR System Java API

© Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.