AR System Java API

Class Field

  extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.ObjectBase
      extended by com.bmc.arsys.api.Field
All Implemented Interfaces:
IARPersistentObject, Serializable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AttachmentField, AttachmentPoolField, CharacterField, ColumnField, ControlField, CurrencyField, DateOnlyField, DateTimeField, DecimalField, DiaryField, DisplayField, IntegerField, PageField, PageHolderField, RealField, SelectionField, TableField, TimeOnlyField, TrimField, ViewField

public abstract class Field
extends ObjectBase
implements Cloneable, Serializable

The Field class and methods are used to represent the properties of field objects.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
Field(String form, int id)
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clears all of the references to member objects.
 Object clone()
          Clone implementation that returns an Object with data cloned from self.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one.
 List<PermissionInfo> getAssignedGroup()
          get list of assigned group
 int getAuditOption()
          Returns audit option for the field.
 int getCreateMode()
          Returns the flag indicating the permission status for the field when users submit entries.
 int getDataType()
          Returns the data type of the field.
 Value getDefaultValue()
          Returns the default Value of a data field.
 DisplayInstanceMap getDisplayInstance()
          Returns list of zero or more display properties to associate with the field.
 int getFieldID()
          Returns the internal ID of the field.
 FieldLimit getFieldLimit()
          Returns the value limits for the field and other properties specific to the field's type.
 FieldMapping getFieldMap()
          Returns underlying form in which to create the field (applicable for join forms only).
 int getFieldOption()
          Returns the flag indicating whether users must enter a value in the field.
 int getFieldType()
          Returns a bitmask indicating field types.
 String getForm()
          Returns the name of the form the field is linked to.
 FieldKey getKey()
          Returns unique identifier for field.
 ObjectPropertyMap getObjectProperty()
          Returns list of object properties.
 boolean getReservedIDOK()
          Returns the flag indicating whether you can create the field with a reserved ID.
 int getSetFieldOptions()
          Returns the flag indicating whether only display instances in the list will be replaced and rest left alone or if all of them will be replaced with new list.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class.
 boolean isCoreField()
          returns True if the field is a core field
static boolean isCoreFieldId(int fieldId)
          returns True if the id is a core field id
 boolean isGroupField()
static boolean isGroupField(int fieldId)
 boolean isGroupList()
static boolean isGroupList(int fieldId)
 boolean isMultiAssignField()
static boolean isMultiAssignField(int fieldId)
 boolean isRoleStateMappingField()
static boolean isRoleStateMappingField(int fieldId)
 boolean isRowLevelAccessField()
static boolean isRowLevelAccessField(int fieldId)
 boolean optionSet(int index)
          Reserved for internal use.
 void setAuditOption(int auditOption)
          Sets audit option 0 None 1 Audit 2 Copy 3 Audit and Copy
 void setCreateMode(int cm)
          Sets the flag indicating the permission status for the field when users submit entries.
 void setDefaultValue(Value v)
          Sets the value to apply if a user submits an entry with no field value (applicable for data fields only).
 void setDisplayInstance(DisplayInstanceMap displayInstance)
          Sets list of zero or more display properties to associate with the field.
 void setFieldID(int fid)
          Sets the internal ID of the field to create.
 void setFieldLimit(FieldLimit limit)
          Sets the value limits for the field and other properties specific to the field's type.
 void setFieldMap(FieldMapping mapInfo)
          Sets underlying form in which to create the field (applicable for join forms only).
 void setFieldOption(int opt)
          Sets the flag indicating whether users must enter a value in the field.
 boolean SetFieldOptionsSet()
          Reserved for internal use.
 void setForm(String form)
          Sets the name of the form the field is linked to.
 void setKey(FieldKey key)
          Sets unique identifier for field.
 void setObjectProperty(ObjectPropertyMap objPropList)
          Set list of object properties.
 void setPermissions(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList)
          Sets the permissions of the AR System object.
 void setReservedIDOK(boolean flag)
          Sets the flag indicating whether you can create the field with a reserved ID.
 void setSetFieldOptions(int opt)
          Sets the flag (following OR'd flags) into setFieldOptions to get the following behavior:
 String toString()
          Returns a string description of the object.
Methods inherited from class com.bmc.arsys.api.ObjectBase
appendDiaryText, getChangeFlags, getDiary, getHelpText, getLastChangedBy, getLastUpdateTime, getName, getNewName, getOwner, getPermissions, setChangeFlags, setDiary, setDiary, setHelpText, setLastChangedBy, setName, setNewName, setOwner
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Field()


public Field(String form,
             int id)
Method Detail


public void setPermissions(List<PermissionInfo> permissionList)
Description copied from class: ObjectBase
Sets the permissions of the AR System object.

Specified by:
setPermissions in interface IARPersistentObject
setPermissions in class ObjectBase


public int getDataType()
Returns the data type of the field.


public int getFieldType()
Returns a bitmask indicating field types. You can use any of the following Constants:


public void setFieldID(int fid)
Sets the internal ID of the field to create. The IDs of all fields and form views(VUIs) associated with a given form must be unique. Specify 0 for this parameter if you want the system to generate and return the ID. Otherwise, specify a value between 536870912 and 2147483647 (limited by AR_MAX_RESERVED_FIELD_ID). If you specify a reserved ID, the system generates an error unless the reservedIdOK parameter is set to 1 (TRUE) (see the Developing AR System Applications: Basic guide for restrictions on using reserved IDs).


public int getFieldID()
Returns the internal ID of the field.


public void setForm(String form)
Sets the name of the form the field is linked to. This field must be associated with a single form that currently exists on the server


public String getForm()
Returns the name of the form the field is linked to.


public void setFieldOption(int opt)
Sets the flag indicating whether users must enter a value in the field.


public int getFieldOption()
Returns the flag indicating whether users must enter a value in the field.


public void setSetFieldOptions(int opt)
Sets the flag (following OR'd flags) into setFieldOptions to get the following behavior:


public int getSetFieldOptions()
Returns the flag indicating whether only display instances in the list will be replaced and rest left alone or if all of them will be replaced with new list.


public boolean SetFieldOptionsSet()
Reserved for internal use.


public boolean optionSet(int index)
Reserved for internal use.

index -


public void setReservedIDOK(boolean flag)
Sets the flag indicating whether you can create the field with a reserved ID.

TRUE: Allow reserved IDs.
FALSE: System will generate an error when you specify a reserved ID for the fieldId parameter.


public boolean getReservedIDOK()
Returns the flag indicating whether you can create the field with a reserved ID.

TRUE: Allow reserved IDs.
FALSE: System will generate an error when you specify a reserved ID for the fieldId parameter.


public void setCreateMode(int cm)
Sets the flag indicating the permission status for the field when users submit entries.

This parameter is ignored for display-only fields.


public int getCreateMode()
Returns the flag indicating the permission status for the field when users submit entries.

This parameter is ignored for display-only fields.


public void setAuditOption(int auditOption)
Sets audit option 0 None 1 Audit 2 Copy 3 Audit and Copy


public int getAuditOption()
Returns audit option for the field.


public void setDefaultValue(Value v)
Sets the value to apply if a user submits an entry with no field value (applicable for data fields only). The default value can be as many as 255 bytes in length and must be of the same data type as the field. Do not call this function for trim, control, page, and page holder fields or if you do not want to define a default value.


public Value getDefaultValue()
Returns the default Value of a data field. The system returns 0 if the field has no default


public void setFieldLimit(FieldLimit limit)
Sets the value limits for the field and other properties specific to the field's type. The type of the parameter to pass in is based on the field's type.


public FieldLimit getFieldLimit()
Returns the value limits for the field and other properties specific to the field's type. Cast the return value to the appropriate type.


public FieldMapping getFieldMap()
Returns underlying form in which to create the field (applicable for join forms only).


public void setFieldMap(FieldMapping mapInfo)
Sets underlying form in which to create the field (applicable for join forms only). If you are creating a field in a base form,specify a field type of 1 (AR_FIELD_REGULAR). Otherwise,specify a field type of 2 (AR_FIELD_JOIN), and identify the member form (primary or secondary) and field ID for the new field. If the member form is also a join form, create fields in all nested join forms until you can map the field to an underlying base form.


public void setDisplayInstance(DisplayInstanceMap displayInstance)
Sets list of zero or more display properties to associate with the field. You can define both display properties common to all form views (VUIs)and display properties specific to particular views. The system includes the field in each view you specify, regardless of whether you define any display properties for those views. If you do not specify a property for a particular view, the system uses the default value (if defined). Specify NULL for this parameter if you do not want to define any display properties.


public DisplayInstanceMap getDisplayInstance()
Returns list of zero or more display properties to associate with the field.


public void setObjectProperty(ObjectPropertyMap objPropList)
Set list of object properties.


public ObjectPropertyMap getObjectProperty()
Returns list of object properties.


public Object clone()
             throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clone implementation that returns an Object with data cloned from self.

clone in class ObjectBase


public FieldKey getKey()
Returns unique identifier for field.


public void setKey(FieldKey key)
Sets unique identifier for field.


public void clear()
Description copied from class: ObjectBase
Clears all of the references to member objects.

clear in class ObjectBase


public boolean isCoreField()
returns True if the field is a core field


public static boolean isCoreFieldId(int fieldId)
returns True if the id is a core field id


public String toString()
Returns a string description of the object.

toString in class ObjectBase


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this instance of the current class. This method is supported as required by the general contract of Object.hashCode, for the benefit of hash tables such as those provided by java.util.Hashtable.

hashCode in class ObjectBase
returns the hash code for this instance


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Use this method for checking equality between the current object and the provided one. The result is true only if the argument is not null, is of the same type and represents the same content.

equals in class ObjectBase
obj - the object that we are comparing to
returns a boolean that tells if the two objects equal


public static boolean isGroupList(int fieldId)


public static boolean isRowLevelAccessField(int fieldId)


public static boolean isRoleStateMappingField(int fieldId)


public static boolean isMultiAssignField(int fieldId)


public static boolean isGroupField(int fieldId)


public boolean isGroupList()


public boolean isRowLevelAccessField()


public boolean isRoleStateMappingField()


public boolean isMultiAssignField()


public boolean isGroupField()


public List<PermissionInfo> getAssignedGroup()
get list of assigned group

list of assigned group

AR System Java API

© Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.