AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of COMMethodParmInfo in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type COMMethodParmInfo
 List<COMMethodParmInfo> COMMethodInfo.getParameterList()
          Returns list of the parameters passed to this method.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type COMMethodParmInfo
 void ObjectPrinter.printCOMMethodParmInfo(String indent, String header, COMMethodParmInfo value)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMMethodParmInfo(COMMethodParmInfo cmpi, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that an object of type COMMethodParmInfo contains a value and that the value is legal.

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type COMMethodParmInfo
 void ObjectPrinter.printCOMMethodParmInfoList(String indent, String header, List<COMMethodParmInfo> value)
 void COMMethodInfo.setParameterList(List<COMMethodParmInfo> parameterList)
          Returns list of the parameters passed to this method, specified by using the COMMethodParmInfo class.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCOMMethodParmList(List<COMMethodParmInfo> parameterList, boolean nullOk)
          Validate that List of objects of type COMMethodParmInfo each contains a value and that the value is legal.

Constructor parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type COMMethodParmInfo
COMMethodInfo(String methodName, String methodIId, int methodType, COMValueInfo methodValue, List<COMMethodParmInfo> parameterList)

AR System Java API

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