AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of EntryListFieldInfo in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type EntryListFieldInfo
 List<EntryListFieldInfo> Form.getEntryListFieldInfo()
          Returns the list of fields that identifies the default query list data for retrieving form entries.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type EntryListFieldInfo
 void ObjectPrinter.printEntryListFieldInfo(String indent, String header, EntryListFieldInfo value)

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type EntryListFieldInfo
 List<EntryListInfo> ARServerUser.getListEntry(String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<SortInfo> sortList, List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)
          Returns list of EntryListInfo objects that uniquely identify the entry objects that match the provided criteria.
 void ObjectPrinter.printEntryListFieldInfoList(String indent, String header, List<EntryListFieldInfo> value)
 void Form.setEntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields)
          Sets the list of fields that identifies the default query list data for retrieving form entries.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntryListFieldInfo(List<EntryListFieldInfo> getListFields)
          Validate that List of objects of type EntryListFieldInfo each contains a legal columnWidth and separator and that the total length specified is within the limits of the allowed value.
 void ParameterValidator.validateAREntryListFieldList(List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields)
          Validate that a List of type EntryListFieldInfo each contain a legal columnWidth and separator and that the total length specified is within the limits of the allowed value.
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListEntry(ARServerUser context, String formName, QualifierInfo qualification, int firstRetrieve, int maxRetrieve, List<EntryListFieldInfo> entryListFields, List<SortInfo> sortList, boolean useLocale, OutputInteger nMatches)

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.