AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of Value in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return Value
 Value Field.getDefaultValue()
          Returns the default Value of a data field.
 Value DisplayInstanceMap.getProperty(int vuiId, Integer tag)
          Returns the value of the given property in a specific view.
 Value PropInfo.getPropertyValue()
          Retrieves the value associated with the PropInfo object
 Value StatisticsResultInfo.getResult()
          Returns a real number of the statistics (aggregates) specified.
 Value AssignInfo.getValue()
          Returns the Value object.
 Value COMValueInfo.getValue()
          Returns union that represents the field value.
 Value ExternalReference.getValue()
          Returns value for groups.
 Value LocalizedValueInfo.getValue()
          Returns the message text.
 Value ServerInfo.getValue()
          Returns the value of server operation.
 Value Entry.put(Integer key, Value value)
          Associates the specified value (field value) with the specified key (field id) in the entry object.
 Value ARServerUser.wfdGetKeywordValue(int kwId)
          Get Keyword Value

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type Value
 List<List<Value>> SQLResult.getContents()
          Returns list of zero or more (accessible) rows that match the criteria defined by the sqlCommand value Each item in the list represents one matching row, each of which contains a list of the selected column values.
 List<Value> StatisticsResultInfo.getGroupByValues()
          Returns a list of the combination of all the values used to calculate the statistics (aggregates) for the form entries.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type Value
 void ObjectPrinter.printValue(String indent, String header, Value value)
 void ObjectPrinter.printValueList(String indent, String header, Value[] value)
 Value Entry.put(Integer key, Value value)
          Associates the specified value (field value) with the specified key (field id) in the entry object.
 void Field.setDefaultValue(Value v)
          Sets the value to apply if a user submits an entry with no field value (applicable for data fields only).
 void DisplayInstanceMap.setProperty(int viewId, int propertyId, Value value)
          Sets the given display property into a specific view.
 void PropInfo.setPropertyValue(Value value)
 void ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand.setValue(Value val)
 void AssignInfo.setValue(Value value)
          Sets the Value object.
 void COMValueInfo.setValue(Value value)
          Sets union that represents the field value.
 void ExternalReference.setValue(Value val)
          Defines value for groups.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARValueInfo(Value value)
          Validate that an object of type Value contains a value and that the value is legal.

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type Value
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean waitFlag)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 ProcessResult ARServerUser.executeProcessForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean waitFlag)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 SQLResult ARServerUser.getListSQLForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 SQLResult ARServerUser.getListSQLForActiveLink(String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)
          Reserved for AR System internal only.
 void Entry.putAll(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> map)
          Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this entry object.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARValueList(List<Value> values)
          Validate that an object of type Value List contains a list of values and that those values are legal.
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExecuteProcessForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean asyncMode)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARExecuteProcessForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, int fieldId, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, boolean asyncMode)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListSQLForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListSQLForActiveLink(ARServerUser context, String actlinkName, int actionIndex, int actionType, Timestamp timestamp, List<Value> keywordList, List<Value> parameterList, int maxRetrieve, boolean retrieveTotalMatches)

Constructors in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type Value
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand(Value val)
          Constructs using Value object
COMValueInfo(String valueIId, int transId, int valueType, int fieldId, Value value)
ExternalReference(String label, String description, ReferenceType refType, List<Integer> adminGroups, Value val)
LocalizedValueInfo(Value value, Timestamp timestamp)
PropInfo(int tag, Value val)
          Constructs a new PropInfo object which consists of a tag-value pair and is used to describe the properties of server objects in the AR System.
ServerInfo(int operation, Value value)
StatisticsResultInfo(List<Value> groupByValues, Value result)

Constructor parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type Value
ArithmeticOrRelationalOperand(List<Value> valList)
DisplayPropertyMap(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> m)
DisplayPropertyMap(SortedMap<Integer,? extends Value> m)
Entry(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> m)
Entry(SortedMap<Integer,? extends Value> m)
ObjectPropertyMap(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> m)
ObjectPropertyMap(SortedMap<Integer,? extends Value> m)
PropertyMap(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> m)
PropertyMap(SortedMap<Integer,? extends Value> m)
ServerInfoMap(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> m)
ServerInfoMap(SortedMap<Integer,? extends Value> m)
StatisticsResultInfo(List<Value> groupByValues, Value result)
ViewDisplayPropertyMap(Map<? extends Integer,? extends Value> m)
ViewDisplayPropertyMap(SortedMap<Integer,? extends Value> m)

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.