AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of SupportFileKey in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return SupportFileKey
 SupportFileKey SupportFile.getKey()
          Returns the unique identifier for the support file.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type SupportFileKey
 void ARServerUser.deleteSupportFile(SupportFileKey supportFileKey)
          Deletes the given support file from the server.
 void ObjectPrinter.printSupportFileKey(String indent, String header, SupportFileKey key)
 void SupportFile.setKey(SupportFileKey key)
          Sets a unique identifier to the support file.
 void MethodValidator.verifyARDeleteSupportFile(ARServerUser context, SupportFileKey arg1)

AR System Java API

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