AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of MenuItem in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type MenuItem
static List<MenuItem> MenuItem.bufferToMenuItemList(Scanner scanBuffer)
          This method converts contents of a buffer/file into list menu structure
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.convertStringToListMenu(String menuString)
          Converts a string to a list of MenuItem objects
static List<MenuItem> MenuItem.decode(String encoded)
          This method converts contents of a string into list menu structure
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(Menu menu)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(Menu menu, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList)
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(String menuName)
          Expands the query and file references for the specified menu definition and returns a character menu with list-type items only.
 List<MenuItem> ARServerUser.expandMenu(String menuName, Entry keywordList, Entry parameterList)
 List<MenuItem> Menu.getContent()
 List<MenuItem> ListMenu.getItems()
          Returns list of items contained in list menu.
 List<MenuItem> MenuItem.getSubMenu()

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type MenuItem
 void ObjectPrinter.printCharMenuItemInfo(String indent, String header, MenuItem value)
 void MenuItem.setSubMenu(MenuItem menuItem)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARCharMenuItemInfo(MenuItem item, int level)
          Validate that an object of type MenuItem contains a value and that the value is legal.

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type MenuItem
 void ObjectPrinter.printCharMenuItemInfoList(String indent, String header, List<MenuItem> value)
 void Menu.setContent(List<MenuItem> content)
 void ListMenu.setItems(List<MenuItem> menuItems)
 void MenuItem.setSubMenu(List<MenuItem> subMenu)

Constructor parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type MenuItem
ListMenu(List<MenuItem> menuItems)
MenuItem(String label, List<MenuItem> childMenu)

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.