AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of Filter in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return Filter
 Filter ARServerUser.getFilter(String key)
          Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by the given name.
 Filter ARServerUser.getFilter(String key, FilterCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information about the Filter object specified by FilterCriteria and String.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type Filter
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects()
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(List<String> names)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(List<String> names, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(List<String> names, long changedSince, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail of all (accessible) requested Filter objects that are modified after the given timestamp
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(String formName)
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(String formName, long changedSince)
          return the detail of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp
 List<Filter> ARServerUser.getListFilterObjects(String formName, long changedSince, FilterCriteria criteria)
          return the detail information of all (accessible) Filter objects that are associated with the given form and modified after the provided timestamp

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type Filter
 void ARServerUser.createFilter(Filter object)
          Creates this Filter object on AR System server.
 void ObjectPrinter.printFilter(String indent, String header, Filter filter)
 void ObjectPrinter.printFilterList(String indent, String header, Filter[] filterList)
 void ObjectPrinter.printFilterName(String indent, String header, Filter filter)
 void ARServerUser.setFilter(Filter object)
          Updates this Filter object onto ARSystem server.
 void MethodValidator.verifyARCreateFilter(ARServerUser context, Filter arg1)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetFilter(ARServerUser context, String key, FilterCriteria criteria, Filter object)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARSetFilter(ARServerUser context, Filter arg1)

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type Filter
 void ObjectPrinter.printFilterListNames(String indent, String header, List<Filter> filterList)

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.