AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of DiaryListValue in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return DiaryListValue
static DiaryListValue DiaryListValue.decode(String encoded)
          Takes the formatted string returned for all diary fields and decodes it into an array of diary entries.
 DiaryListValue ARServerUser.decodeDiary(String encoded)
          Takes an encoded diary string as input and decodes it into an DiaryListValue for easier processing.
 DiaryListValue IARPersistentObject.getDiary()
          The getDiary( ) method on any server object returns a string that consists of all the diary items (time stamp, user and diary string ).
 DiaryListValue ObjectBase.getDiary()
          The getDiary( ) method on any server object returns a string that consists of all the diary items (time stamp, user and diary string ).

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type DiaryListValue
static String ARServerUser.encodeDiary(DiaryListValue diaryList)
          Takes an DiaryListValue as input and encodes it into a diary string.
 void ObjectPrinter.printDiaryList(String indent, String header, DiaryListValue value)
 void IARPersistentObject.setDiary(DiaryListValue diary)
          The setDiary( ) method of these objects takes only the plain dairy string (without the user and time).
 void ObjectBase.setDiary(DiaryListValue diary)
          The setDiary( ) method of these objects takes only the plain dairy string (without the user and time).

Constructors in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type DiaryListValue
Value(DiaryListValue v)
          Create AR_DATA_TYPE_DIARY value

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.