AR System Java API

Uses of Class

Uses of ContainerOwner in com.bmc.arsys.api

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api that return types with arguments of type ContainerOwner
 List<ContainerOwner> Container.getContainerOwner()
          Returns the form that owns this container.
 List<ContainerOwner> EntryPointInfo.getOwnerObjList()
          Gets the list of forms that own the entry point.

Methods in com.bmc.arsys.api with parameters of type ContainerOwner
 void ObjectPrinter.printContainerOwner(String indent, String header, ContainerOwner value)
 void ObjectPrinter.printContainerOwnerList(String indent, String header, ContainerOwner[] value)
 void ParameterValidator.validateARContainerOwnerObj(ContainerOwner containerOwner)
          Validate that an object of type ContainerOwner contains a value and that the value is legal.

Method parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type ContainerOwner
 List<String> ARServerUser.getListContainer(long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
          Returns the names of all (accessible) Container object that meet the given criteria.
 List<Container> ARServerUser.getListContainerObjects(long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch, ContainerCriteria criteria)
          Returns detailed information of all (accessible) Container objects that match with the given criteria
 void Container.setContainerOwner(List<ContainerOwner> owner)
          Sets the form that owns this container.
 void EntryPointInfo.setOwnerObjList(List<ContainerOwner> owner)
          Sets the list of forms that own the entry point.
 void ParameterValidator.validateARContainerOwnerObjList(List<ContainerOwner> containerOwner)
          Validate that List of objects of type ContainerOwner each contains a value and that the value is legal.
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetListContainer(ARServerUser context, long changedSince, int[] containerTypes, boolean hiddenFlag, List<ContainerOwner> ownerList, ObjectPropertyMap propsToSearch)
 void MethodValidator.verifyARGetMultipleContainerObjects(ARServerUser context, long arg1, List<String> arg2, boolean arg3, int[] arg4, List<ContainerOwner> arg5, int[] arg6, ContainerCriteria arg7)

Constructor parameters in com.bmc.arsys.api with type arguments of type ContainerOwner
ContainerListInfo(String name, int nType, List<ContainerOwner> owner)
          construct a ContainerListInfo object with the provided characteristics

AR System Java API

? Copyright 2006, 2007 BMC Software, Inc.